$FL2@(#) SPSS DATA FILE MS Windows Release 13.0 spssio32.dll Y@03 Nov 0516:54:09 ID Questionnaire number  S_LAN Interview language RESULT Result of call   Q1 qI would first like to ask you how many years you have lived in Arkansas, or have you lived here all of your life? Q1NEW @How many years have you lived in Arkansas (All my life recoded)?  Q2 @Where did you spend most of your life before coming to Arkansas?O_Q2 FOpen: Where did you spend most of your life before coming to Arkansas?                                O_Q2NEW FOpen: Where did you spend most of your life before coming to Arkansas? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP TTTO_Q2N001FOpen: Where did you spend most of your life before coming to Arkansas? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP   Q3 jIn your opinion, what do you think is the most important problem or issue facing people in Arkansas today? O_Q3 pOpen: In your opinion, what do you think is the most important problem or issue facing people in Arkansas today?                               O_Q3NEW pOpen: In your opinion, what do you think is the most important problem or issue facing people in Arkansas today?PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP TTTO_Q3N001pOpen: In your opinion, what do you think is the most important problem or issue facing people in Arkansas today?PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP   Q4 <Is there another problem or issue you would like to mention?O_Q4 BOpen: Is there another problem or issue you would like to mention?                                O_Q4NEW BOpen: Is there another problem or issue you would like to mention? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP TTTO_Q4N001BOpen: Is there another problem or issue you would like to mention? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP   Q5 VDo you approve or disapprove of the way Mike Huckabee is handling his job as governor?   Q6 ^Do you approve or disapprove of the way Blanche Lincoln is handling her job as a U.S. Senator?   Q7 XDo you approve or disapprove of the way Mark Pryor is handing his job as a U.S. Senator?  Q8 UDo you approve or disapprove of the way George Bush is handling his job as president? Q8NEW UDo you approve or disapprove of the way George Bush is handling his job as president?   Q9 If the next governor's election were held today between Asa Hutchinson for the Republicans and Mike Beebe for the Democrats, for whom would you most likely vote: O_Q9 Open: If the next governor's election were held today between Asa Hutchinson for the Republicans and Mike Beebe for the Democrats, for whom would you most likely vote:                                O_Q9NEW Open: If the next governor's election were held today between Asa Hutchinson for the Republicans and Mike Beebe for the Democrats, for whom would you most likely vote: PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP TTTO_Q9N001Open: If the next governor's election were held today between Asa Hutchinson for the Republicans and Mike Beebe for the Democrats, for whom would you most likely vote: PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP   Q9A KWell, if you had to say would you lean toward Asa Hutchinson or Mike Beebe? O_Q9A QOpen: Well, if you had to say would you lean toward Asa Hutchinson or Mike Beebe?                                O_Q9ANEWQOpen: Well, if you had to say would you lean toward Asa Hutchinson or Mike Beebe? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP TTTO_Q9A001QOpen: Well, if you had to say would you lean toward Asa Hutchinson or Mike Beebe? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP   Q10 PDo you approve or disapprove of Governor Huckabee running for president in 2008?  Q11 In general, would you say you favor stricter gun control, less strict gun control, or should no change be made to existing gun control laws?  Q12 Do you favor laws that would make it more difficult for a woman to get an abortion, favor laws that would make it easier to get an abortion, or should no change be made to existing abortion laws?   Q13 How much do you trust the public school system in Arkansas? Would you say you completely trust it, somewhat trust it, somewhat distrust it or completely distrust it?   Q14 Would you say that you strongly approve, approve, disapprove or strongly disapprove of the way that the public school system in Arkansas is doing its job?   Q15 cDo you strongly approve, approve, disapprove or strongly disapprove of charter schools in Arkansas?   Q16 uDo you strongly approve, approve, disapprove or strongly disapprove of this policy (states offering school vouchers)?   Q17 In which level of government do you have the most trust to handle improvement of public schools: the federal government, state government or local government? O_Q17 Open: In which level of government do you have the most trust to handle improvement of public schools: the federal government, state government or local government?                               O_Q17NEWOpen: In which level of government do you have the most trust to handle improvement of public schools: the federal government, state government or local government?PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP TTTO_Q17001Open: In which level of government do you have the most trust to handle improvement of public schools: the federal government, state government or local government?PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP   Q18 SWhich of the following education categories best describes your level of schooling?   Q19 BWhich of the following best describes your racial or ethnic group:   Q20 iGenerally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or what? O_Q20 oOpen: Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or what?                                O_Q20NEWoOpen: Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or what? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP TTTO_Q20001oOpen: Generally speaking, do you usually think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent or what? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP   Q21 LWould you call yourself a strong Republican or a not very strong Republican?  Q22 HWould you call yourself a strong Democrat or a not very strong Democrat?  Q23 OWell, do you think of yourself as closer to the Republican or Democratic Party?   Q24 How would you describe your views on most political matters? Generally, do you think of yourself as Liberal, Moderate, or Conservative?   Q25 ;Would you say you are strongly Liberal or somewhat Liberal?   Q26 EWould you say you are strongly Conservative or somewhat Conservative?   Q27 bWhich of the following income categories best describes your total 2004 household income? Was it:   Q28 1About how often do you attend religious services?   Q29 9How important would you say religion is in your own life?   Q30 JWhich of the following describes your current religious preference? Is it:   Q31 ?Do you consider yourself a born again or evangelical Christian?   Q32 BWhich of the following best describes your present marital status:   Q33 In what year were you born? AGE Age of Respondent   Q34 6I am required to ask you this, are you male or female?   Q35 eOverall, do you feel that Arkansas is generally headed in the right direction or the wrong direction? Q35NEW eOverall, do you feel that Arkansas is generally headed in the right direction or the wrong direction?   Q36 }On a more individual level, would you say you are better off financially, worse off or about the same compared to a year ago?   Q37 xLooking ahead, do you think that a year from now you will be better off financially, worse off or about the same as now?  Q38 {Do you approve or disapprove of allowing openly homosexual men and women to serve in the armed forces of the United States?   Q39 |Do you approve or disapprove of a law that would prohibit an employer from discriminating against homosexuals in employment?  Q43 Which of the following policy positions most closely resembles your own view regarding relationships between two people of the same sex:  Q40 Do you approve or disapprove of a law that would allow a lesbian or gay man to adopt a child if the court found them fit in all other ways to become an adoptive parent?  Q41 jDo you approve or disapprove of a law that would prevent gays and lesbians from serving as foster parents?   Q42 Do you approve or disapprove of a law that would prohibit Arkansas textbooks from defining marriage as anything other than a relationship between one man and one woman?Q44 ADo you personally know or work with anyone who is gay or lesbian? Q44A sIs this person a member of your family, a close friend, or someone you know only as a colleague or an acquaintance? Q45 aDo you personally know any gay or lesbian couples that have been together for more than one year?   Q46 IDo you think that sexual relations between two adults of the same sex is:   Q47 If you had been asked the previous question when you were 18 years old, how would you have answered the question- that sexual relations between two adults of the same sex is:   Q48 Which of the following factors would you say has had the most influence on your current attitude towards sexual relations between two adults of the same sex:   Q49A DHow would you rate lesbians and gay men on this feeling thermometer?  Q49B XHow would you rate your feelings toward lesbians and gay men using a favorability scale?  Q50 )Do you think that gay rights leaders are:   Q51 EFirst, do you live in a city, a suburb, a small town or a rural area?   Q52 What county do you live in?   Q53 <How many people, including yourself, live in your household?X@X@Q54 &And, do you have school-aged children? Q54NEW &And, do you have school-aged children?   Q55 uDo you identify yourself as gay or lesbian, heterosexual or straight, bisexual, other or would you prefer not to say? O_Q55 {Open: Do you identify yourself as gay or lesbian, heterosexual or straight, bisexual, other or would you prefer not to say?                                O_Q55NEW{Open: Do you identify yourself as gay or lesbian, heterosexual or straight, bisexual, other or would you prefer not to say? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP TTTO_Q55001{Open: Do you identify yourself as gay or lesbian, heterosexual or straight, bisexual, other or would you prefer not to say? PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP   Q56 `How likely are you to vote in the next elections that will take place in November 2006? Are you:COMMENTSInterviewer notes                                COMME001Interviewer notes                                COMME002Interviewer notes                                COMME003Interviewer notes                                COMME004Interviewer notes                                COMME005Interviewer notes                                COMME006Interviewer notes                                COMME007Interviewer notes                                COMME008Interviewer notes                          AGECAT age categories GAYFAVUN'gay favorability into just 2 categories REGCHURCgo to church weekly or more UNDER35 under 35 years old THIRTYFI35 years old or older CONGDISTcongressional district ?English@Spanish?Completed survey @Partial survey, 80% or over @Partial survey, 50% to 80% X@Less than one year @X@ All my life X@ Don't know X@RefusedLess than one year @All my life (age refused) @ Don't know @Refused6?Alabama@Alaska @Arizona@Arkansas @ California @Colorado @ Connecticut @Delaware "@District of Colombia $@Florida&@Georgia(@Hawaii *@Idaho ,@Illinois .@Indiana0@Iowa 1@Kansas 2@Kentucky 3@ Louisiana 4@Maine 5@Maryland 6@ Massachusetts 7@Michigan 8@ Minnesota 9@ Mississippi :@Missouri ;@Montana<@Nebraska =@Nevada >@ New Hampshire ?@ New Jersey @@ New Mexico @@New York A@North Carolina A@ North Dakota B@Ohio B@Oklahoma C@Oregon C@ Pennsylvania D@ Rhode Island D@South Carolina E@ South Dakota E@ Tennessee F@Texas F@Utah G@VermontG@Virginia H@ Washington H@ West Virginia I@ Wisconsin I@WyomingJ@Other X@ Don't know X@Refused?Enter response @ Don't know "@RefusedR?Enter Response @No @ Don't know "@Refused?Approve@ Disapprove @ Don't know "@Refused ;<>?@?Asa Hutchinson @ Mike Beebe @Other (silent) @ Don't know "@Refused;?Stricter @ Less strict @ No change @ Don't know "@Refused?More difficult @Easier @ No change @ Don't know "@Refused?Completely trust @Somewhat trust @#Neither trust nor distrust (silent) @Somewhat distrust @Completely distrust @ Don't know "@Refused?Strongly approve @Approve@'Neither approve nor disapprove (silent)@ Disapprove @Strongly disapprove @ Don't know "@Refused?Federal@State @Local @Other (specify) @ Don't know "@Refused ?No high school @Some high school @"High school graduate or equivalent @1Some college including business and trade schools @College graduate @Some graduate school @Graduate or professional degree @ Don't know "@Refused ?White (Caucasian) @Black or African-American @Hispanic @Asian @Native American@ Multi-Ethnic @Something Else @ Don't know "@Refused? Republican @Democrat @ Independent @Other @ Don't know "@Refused?Strong Republican @Not very strong Republican @ Don't know "@Refused(?Strong Democrat@Not very strong Democrat @ Don't know "@Refused)?Closer to Republican @Closer to Democratic @Just Independent @ Don't know "@Refused*?Liberal@Moderate @ Conservative @ Don't know "@Refused+?Strongly Liberal @Somewhat Liberal @ Don't know "@Refused,?Strongly Conservative @Somewhat Conservative @ Don't know "@Refused- ? $7500 or less @$7501 to $15,000 @$15,001 to $25,000 @$25,001 to $35,000 @$35,001 to $50,000 @$50,001 to $75,000 @$75,001 to $100,000 @$100,001 or over X@ Don't know X@Refused. ?Never @ Once a year @Several times a year @About once a month @2-3 times per month @ Every week @More than once a week @ Don't know "@Refused/?Extremely important @Very important @Fairly important @Not very important @ Don't know "@Refused0? Protestant @Catholic @Jewish @Something else @None @ Don't know "@Refused1?Yes @No @ Don't know "@Refused2ACN?Married@Not married but living together@Separated or divorced @Widowed@Never married or single @ Don't know "@Refused3@ Don't know @Refused45?Male @Female @ Don't know "@Refused6?Right direction@Wrong direction @ Don't know "@Refused78? Better off @ Worse off @About the same @ Don't know "@Refused9:?.Gay couples should be allowed to legally marry @@ Hot Springs ?@Howard @@ Independent @@Izard A@JacksonA@ Jefferson B@JohnsonB@ Lafayette C@Lawrence C@Lee D@LincolnD@ Little River E@Logan E@Lonoke F@MadisonF@Marion G@Miller G@ Mississippi H@Monroe H@ Montgomery I@Nevada I@Newton J@Ouachita J@Perry K@PhilipsK@Pike L@Poinsett L@Polk M@Pope M@PrairieN@PulaskiN@Randolph O@Saline O@Scott P@Searcy @P@ Sebastian P@Sevier P@Sharp Q@ St. Francis @Q@Stone Q@Union Q@ Van Buren R@ Washington @R@White R@Woodruff R@Yell X@ Don't know X@RefusedKX@ Don't know X@RefusedL1 Yes 2 No 8 Don't know 9 RefusedN No Y Yes M?Gay or lesbian @Heterosexual or straight @Bisexual @Other @Prefer not to say @ Don't know "@RefusedO? Very likely @Likely @Unlikely @ Very unlikely @ Don't know "@Refused ?18-24 @25-34 @35-44 @45-54 @55-64 @65-74 @75-84 @85+ @ don't know @refused? favorable @ unfavorable @ don't know "@refused?less than every week @weekly or more @ don't know "@refused 35 or older ?under 35 @ don't know @refusedunder 35 ? 35 or older @ don't know @refused  >        %%      22  <<         22    22                                     222222222     ID=id S_LAN=s_lan RESULT=result Q1=q1 Q1NEW=q1new Q2=q2 O_Q2=o_q2 O_Q2NEW=o_q2new Q3=q3 O_Q3=o_q3 O_Q3NEW=o_q3new Q4=q4 O_Q4=o_q4 O_Q4NEW=o_q4new Q5=q5 Q6=q6 Q7=q7 Q8=q8 Q8NEW=q8new Q9=q9 O_Q9=o_q9 O_Q9NEW=o_q9new Q9A=q9a O_Q9A=o_q9a O_Q9ANEW=o_q9anew Q10=q10 Q11=q11 Q12=q12 Q13=q13 Q14=q14 Q15=q15 Q16=q16 Q17=q17 O_Q17=o_q17 O_Q17NEW=o_q17new Q18=q18 Q19=q19 Q20=q20 O_Q20=o_q20 O_Q20NEW=o_q20new Q21=q21 Q22=q22 Q23=q23 Q24=q24 Q25=q25 Q26=q26 Q27=q27 Q28=q28 Q29=q29 Q30=q30 Q31=q31 Q32=q32 Q33=q33 AGE=age Q34=q34 Q35=q35 Q35NEW=q35new Q36=q36 Q37=q37 Q38=q38 Q39=q39 Q43=q43 Q40=q40 Q41=q41 Q42=q42 Q44=q44 Q44A=q44a Q45=q45 Q46=q46 Q47=q47 Q48=q48 Q49A=q49a Q49B=q49b Q50=q50 Q51=q51 Q52=q52 Q53=q53 Q54=q54 Q54NEW=q54new Q55=q55 O_Q55=o_q55 O_Q55NEW=o_q55new Q56=q56 COMMENTS=comments AGECAT=agecat GAYFAVUN=gayfavunfav REGCHURC=regchurchgoers UNDER35=under35 THIRTYFI=thirtyfiveplus CONGDIST=congdistO_Q2NEW=00336 O_Q3NEW=00336 O_Q4NEW=00336 O_Q9NEW=00336 O_Q9ANEW=00336 O_Q17NEW=00336 O_Q20NEW=00336 O_Q55NEW=00336 COMMENTS=02219 eeŅ@eWork situation, there's not a lot of work. The work that's available has such low wages. They don't offer the pay it takes to do the work. Work situation, there's not a lot of work. The work that's available has such low wages. They don't offer the pay it takes to do the work ffllfffefggggighhgffieghefffО@ffeeffffffeeigghiefY efgeedheeń@ework force Work force eschool... better education School...better education lflffelelhilfffellejeeleԞ@ffffgefgeeeefeeeigegjY efeQ156 Would rather not be able to get an abortionfgfedheS@eŜeWork Work eHousing needs to be fixed, more improvments Housing needs to be fixed, more improvements eeefffmfmhhhlllmfemjeeegfeeggt@lflmffffggmilhfeiY liffdeheeʼn@@eWellfare system is bad Welfare system is bad feeeffeeggffffggegfeffjehgfe@eeeemfeeeegemmegghgefY eggfdeheee @eieWell, timewise I think that the city taxes are too high for residents here. Well, time wise I think that the city taxes are too high for residents here eThe cost of living, specifically, gas prices. The cost of living, specifically, gas prices lllffffggfeffgiefefhfmhe@fmmeeeefefmeeehheggh~hefY ehgedehb@eeňewell paying jobsWell paying jobsehealth care Health care flellfeeffffhehegfefjgfefefeeeĞ@eeefeeffefhffee~hefY egeedeheeŗ@7@ewell paying jobsWell paying jobseeducation Education effffflemfffiggegfgfiehefee@fffgefglfflfeefhegojeY fehfedeeeeT@wewelfare, I'm tired of us having to work to support the people who are too lazy to go out and get a job Welfare, I'm tired of us having to work to support the people who are too lazy to go out and get a job ffeeeeefegiiiiehegefhieefgffffge@eeeffefehhigmgehefY eggedeeeeŜ@eWelFare Welfare flfleeflgehhfhggefefgjeeeefeet@gfffgfeeegeeefiehefefY eiffdeeeeņ@ewages need to be raised Wages need to be raised einsurance, health, needs to be more reasonably available, and companies don't need to discriminate on certain medical factors such as overweight or other medical problems Insurance, health, needs to be more reasonably available, and companies don't need to discriminate on certain medical factors such as overweight or other medical problems feeffeeeehhifggeffgejkeeee̞@feegfffgeeeegfeefiehjY efefffedgel@eŘeWages Wages feelfffegfffhhggeffgfiieeeeeffee@eeffffegegehheghefY ehfedeheeŋX@ewages Wages flllfffffghhhffefgfgfegeheef@ffeeefefefffeihehjiefY gQ41 I have no problem with gay women, but gay men I have a problem gfedehee"@ewages Wages feeeeeeegghhfefhjeefikehe@feeeeffgeeeffeefgleiefY ehgfdee@eedeViolenceViolenceflllffflfgeffffgffefehfeegfeee@emfgfffffeefheehefY egfedegee~~i@eunhealthy, overweight Unhealthy, overweight edrugs Drugs eeeeefeggffhefiefffigfeeffȞ@eeegeefeffegeeeegeetheY fgggedeeee@vvCanada Canada eUnemployment Unemployment flllllllegehiiglhegflfiehi~ffffgl@fgeeeffeefgegiefY gfgeedeee~~u~@eUnemployment Unemployment eArkansas' walefare.. People shouldn't abuse the walefare system Arkansas' welfare. People shouldn't abuse the welfare system leeffffgghhfhghelfifeeeeeee@eeefeeffegeheigeehefY efgeedfeeŗ@eunemployment Unemployment flfleeeegeegfffiegegflkfeee@eeeegffgleeffeeiieetgY efehffdeee@ewwteUnder age abortion w/o parents consent Under age abortion without parents' consent edrug use among teens and young adults Drug use among teens and young adults elleellegefflegkeggefhjfiefeegeȞ@ffgeeeffeefheeiefY fgffdeheeuuwB@etoo much too fast growthToo much too fast growthemore time on health issues needed More time on health issues needed flleeefggfffegkeefgfkgeeeefe@eeeefgeeeegeeeegefhiefY ehgedegee@etoo much povertyToo much povertyetoo high taxes Too high taxes eleeeeeelfflhfgeeegfihfele|@eeegfeflfefegfeefhlghgefY fhfedeg@ @eeqqieTo much huntin here.. need to control the huntinToo much hunting here. Need to control the hunting fellffffegffffggegfgeieeefeeeeeԞ@eeeeeffeeehheggehefY hfgeedgeessi@ethre is a lack of things for teenagers to do.. There is a lack of things for teenagers to do eGas prices Gas prices ellffeefffhfieieggeeehige@eeeeeeeeffegeheigffgfeY fehgedeeee@ŒeThe prices of everything is going up. The prices of everything is going up. ffffffmfgeeflflfeglefhffefgfeefef@fgeeeegfeeihegnhefY hhfedeheew*@eThe economy The economy eTeacher pay should be higher Teacher pay should be higher efeeeeegefgfhgjeefgfjkehefee@gglfgleeffeefgeguhefY eggfdegeeoo(@~eThe attitude of the people in Arkansas, they are not productive, and they are not progessing too fast as they need The attitude of the people in Arkansas, they are not productive, and they are not progressing too fast as they need epolitics, reliabilty in politicians Politics, reliability in politicians llfffgRod Bryan ( independet candidate) Rod Bryan (Independent candidate) eeeiieehPrivate Schools do much better jobs Private schools do much better jobs kegglkjeeee@effgeffgefffellhglhegY eiehgfdeee @e}}jeTeenage Pregnancy Teenage pregnancy eDrug abuse Drug abuse flfffffggiifhhNone None ieffefljehefffff@elgelfegelliglggefY eggfdeeeeő@eteen pregnancey Teen pregnancy eteen drug abuse Teen drug abuse eefeeefeefhhhgheeefhjeffefe@eeeeffeeeffeefggfgefY ehgfdefee@etaxes Taxes enohin gettin done Nothing getting done flffffeggiifflhjgfflkeeee@eeeffefgeeeffeefiehuhefY ffffedg@eeffetaxes Taxes epoverty Poverty elleeeeggfhfffjeeegfijfeeefeee@eefgeeeeeeeeigehhefY eggfdegeeʼnh@eSpanish people who have moved here, Mexicans Spanish people who have moved here, Mexicans feeeffeeegihffffeeefgfeeege@eefgefeeeeegfeeigggheY ffggedeefeN@dMexico Mexico esecurity for utilities Security for utilities ffellllfeegffffggigfgffffffe}elleee@efffefegfefghlefY hfeeedee|@eschools Schools felleeeeleffeelheeegfgjeeee|fee@eeefgeeeegfegfhegphefY eeffedeeehh=@eSchool.. Better education School. Better educationePoor state.. more jobs or bussiness' Poor state. More jobs or business eeeeeeeegfgffgjeggfjjeefe@feeggeefefleffehelggngY efeDepends on the person hlfdehe@eii|eschool system School system eI'm still not used to this property tax they have on ya, personal property tax I should say I'm still not used to this property tax they have on ya, personal property tax I should say ellfflfefgeffheiegegfkigeeeeeeee@eefeeeegfgehfegvgefY fgeedeeeemmoo@eschool district School district epolice department Police department eleffmmelhglffhfmlfiehgfl@lfeefleeeeeehhgeeefefY eheedeheeqE@qeroads Roads eschools Schools eleeefegefffffgeffgfiieeee@}effeeefgeeeegfeeihegihefY effeedg@eeŎerising gas prices Rising gas prices eWar in Iraq War in Iraq eeleefegehieegiegggfkjeeeefeef@gfegefeeffeeffehkefY egefdeheeś9@eracist thing going on Racist thing going on ffeeffffeefhhieiffegejjeeeeex@eeggffgeeeffeeiieegeY feiffdehfe@0@nnmexico Mexico eracismo Racism flllffeeeeefhffggefgfkefeeelleef@ffffeffelggeejefY ffgfedgeeń/@eracism Racism feffffffeeiihfghfggfjjfeeeeffԞ@eeefgeeeeeeeefgeejefY hfgfedfee@6@@neRace Relations Race relations eEducation Education llleeeeegfiffegheegeijefeeĞ@feeeefefefeegfeelfeghY efegefdeee@eeeteQ3 Sex abuse. Sex abuse eQ4 Rape, child abuse. Rape, child abuse lllfflfeelihiefhehQ20 Nothing Nothing fhffhgfeefg@eeeffleeeggeglehgefY gfgeedgeemm@eQ3 Poverty. Poverty fffeffffggfffeehefefghfhgefĞ@fggeefeefegeeeeieeiefY egfedefee@eQ3 Poverty Poverty eQ4 Health insurance Health insuranceeeeeeeeeeiiefgheefgekkeeee@feeegefgefeeefeefheggefY ehffdef@@eeqqreQ3 Literacy. LiteracyeQ4 No outlet for young people therefore they turn to drugs. No outlet for young people therefore they turn to drugs eefffffeeiigfghffefhkfhgffff|@effgeeeeffeefiegfefY ehffdeeeeň@eQ3 Everything Everything feelfffeegfffhfgfgggffhfhifĞ@eeggeeffffflhhifeegeY fegeedeeee@@iiQ2 Other parts of the world. Other parts of the worldeQ3 Education. Education feeeffgQ9 Write in. Write inflffflhfhehQ20 Or what. Or what fiflefeellgff@egfeeefeheegeghefY ehgedeheekkiy@eQ3--NOt enough jobs Not enough jobs flllffflegffgfgieffefkgghefeeܞ@egfefffeegfggeggg{iefY ffgeedfeeŇ@eProblems w/ jobsProblems with jobs eSchool issues School issues lllllmeglffghgfehNot into politics Not into politics ljkeheȞ@feefelllmllfflmmhghhY efhEvery woman has the chance to decide. gffdeheL@ekkeProbably, business--- higher-paying jobs. Probably, business - higher-paying jobs.eProbably, education --- getting people up to skill-levels. Probably, education - getting people up to skill-levels.efeeeeegehfeeggeeegejjeheeeeee@ffgeeeeefeefiehhgefY egffdegeeōd@ePoverty no money in arkansas Poverty - no money in Arkansas fflfffgwouldnt vote Wouldn't vote fgeihhfghegggehjeheff@fffefgeeeegfeefiehhefY hgffdeeee@epoverty and drugs Poverty and drugs ffeefffefehgffghefflhkeeeeО@elleeffgfefffeefhleiefY efffedf@eetePoverty Poverty feeefffeeefffffhefegffkefegfeeg@eeegefeegeeefgeeigefY ehgfdegee@1@ePoverty Poverty ePrice of gasoline Price of gasoline eeefffegeeefifgehI'm not that big of a political person so I don't really care. I'm not that big of a political person so I don't really care fgfghee@eegeefeeefefeheigehieY fffgeedgee@ńePoverty Poverty elack of education Lack of education ffeffffggfffigkeggflieeeeffffeeԞ@efefeefeeehfgggefY efeeedhee?@ePoverty Poverty eJobs Jobs eeeeeeeeefffllgeeflgjehgfllĞ@eelfglefegeeefigehefY fgffdeeee@repoverty Poverty feeleeefggfhhifhehvote conscience Vote conscience fgighe@feeggeflefeegeeeehehgY efegfedege@e~epoverty Poverty ffeeffffgeeeiifgffegfkfeee~eeeee@ffgeeeffeefilhiefY efffedeeeŏ@ @epoverty Poverty fllleeefeehieegheeegeiieeeefe@eggffgefffeeefieehefY egfedefeeQ@epoverty Poverty felefflleeeffffegegggfgkeeeg@feegfelgeeeffeeegeefefY eggfdee}@eełePoverity they can better to help the poverty here... Poverty they can better to help the poverty hereeI think they can do better in the schools for the kids.. they could prolly get better teacher or more teachers involved.. the elmentry kids.. theyre behingd... and we should do beter I think they can do better in the schools for the kids. They could probably get better teachers or more teachers involved. The elementary kids... they're behind...and we should do better eeeeeeeeehileeifgflfiehifeegܞ@effgeeeegfeefhlehefY hffeedfee{@epopulation Population flllfflfeeefflhgfellggehg{f@eefeeeeefeefehheefeheY ffeeeedgee@sePoor leadership Poor leadership ffeeffffeghhfegiegfflgfefefffgge@efefeegemeefghgefY eAnd science geedeeeeuu@CameroonCameroonePoor education quality Poor education quality eAccess to rural communities Access to rural communities eeeffgWho ever best deals with general state issues Who ever best deals with general state issues fegffhigkfhIssue oriented voter, could be Republican, Democrat, Independent or other. It's whoever I think will favor my daily life the most. Issue oriented voter, could be Republican, Democrat, Independent or other. It's whoever I think will favor my daily life the most gehjehheee@@feeefeeeegfeefmeeiefY elmfdefeeŗ@ePoliticsPoliticsfefeeeeeglffffghkggeflgghe@effglffgleeegeeeiiegkkY efehfedehe@m@ehepolitican andtheir decision maker Politician and their decision maker ffllffllfemfffighffegegjeeeeellfe@@ffmeffffeefglhfefY elgfdeheeő@@ePeople dont believe in God. People don't believe in God. eGas prices too high. Gas prices too high flleeeffeiifeggfeegfijeheff@fffffgefeegfeefiehehefY ehffdeeee@@ePay in jobs Pay in jobs feeeffleegeffhhgheggfjjfhe@eeeggffgeeeffeefheegefY fgffdeh;@eeee{eOver taxed. Gas, school, and income taxes are too high. Over taxed. Gas, school, and income taxes are too high. eRegistration of vehicles, it's nearly impossible to get a vehicle registered when you move into this state. Registration of vehicles, it's nearly impossible to get a vehicle registered when you move into this state felffffeehfeegieeffifffeeeef|@fefgffefffehgehgefY ehgedegeeʼn3@eOur public schools Our public schools eThe gay marriage going on in NW Arkansas right now. The gay marriage going on in NW Arkansas right now. eleffffgeihfefhegffhkehef@eeeeffgfeeffeefiehgeY fegffdegee@@ŋeOh, I would say, employment and just trying to make a living. Oh, I would say, employment and just trying to make a living. eProper use of funds by our government. Proper use of funds by our government eeefffegeffhifhegffgfgeeieeefge@efeefffeefhghkefY fgfedeheeŖ@eNo moneyNo moneyfefeeeeefeiihigfeggeehheeeeeee@feffgeeeffeeiimehgefY ehfedegeeyy@weMore industry needed to provide jobs More industry needed to provide jobs eEducation is badEducation is badeeeeeeegeffehfkeeegfkkeeee@eeeggeffeefeeeeefhefhY efehffdeee@eőemoralityMoralityeeconomy Economy efeeeeffefeleggeeegelkeheeeeee@ffgeeeegfeefgeghefY ehgfdeheevv@eMoral values Moral values efinancial Financial elleelleeefffeggelgfgkeelefe@eeeffgffeegleefgehhefY fggfdefee@eMoney for schools Money for schools eGambling- he feels he's religious but he thinks having some sort of gambling in Arkansas would end up benefitting the schools and some people just need to get over it. Gambling - he feels he's religious but he thinks having some sort of gambling in Arkansas would end up benefiting the schools and some people just need to get over it. feefffffefhlffiefefgifhe@eeeeeefgffeegfeefgegiefY efgeedh@eenemeth- a drug Meth - a drug edrugs and alcohol Drugs and alcohol eeefffeeefffigjefefkkeeeefeee@geffeffegfeefgegegefY eThe State hgfdeeeeh@emedicaidMedicaideThe rent and groceries are too high The rent and groceries are too high elffffeeeihfhfeeeeleefhgfX@fffgffglffeefelgiehikeY ffifedegeeQ@ffemaking money Making money flllllfllllllglifffffeffeeeeellX@llllllelllllg~fefY liledeheexxr@eLow wages Low wages feeeeefegeeeehgheggefhehflefee@eeeeefeeeeehheefggjefY ffeeedeeeŒ@elow wages Low wages ffelllffggfehighefeefhggeee@feeeeeeeeffefeheeggh{gY efehgedefe@enneLow income. Low income eI would say - lack of education for the children. I would say - lack of education for the children. llleegI could not answer that.I could not answer that.lgeihfeghegeefmemefeemm@@ffgffeffeefgghhefY mlgmdeheeń@eLow income Low income eNo No eeeeeeeeeffmegheefgeikeeeefeԞ@egglfgefeegfeefmmhhefY efmfedgee*@elow income Low income feeefffeegfehhfgefefifehg@eeegeffgeeeffeehiehfefY egfedeg@ee"All over the place." All over the place elegalaization of abortion Legalization of abortioneLudeness of strip clubs.Ludeness of strip clubs eeleeeefefgfegjeeegeikehgfeee@effgfeeffeefgeegefY ehgfdegeennN@elaw enforcement Law enforcement eCps and dhs and their lack of concern for children CPS and DHS and their lack of concern for children eeleefefeiifeggjgfgfjefeeff@eefeeeleffefehhieehheY fegeedegee@ŎeLAck of wages. Wages not being enough. Lack of wages. Wages not being enough feeefffefgffhhggefefgieefeeeefff@fgeeeffefflfgiefY eI don't condemn the people just the act.gledegeew8@eLack of skills for,uh, employment. Lack of skills for, uh, employment. eUhh, Yeah, education, On the uh, Not post secondary, but elementary and high school level, I think it is becoming too rigid as far as consent testing goes. Uhh, yeah, education, on the uh, not post secondary, but elementary and high school level, I think it is becoming too rigid as far as consent testing goes. efeeefegehifegkegefjkeeeefeeX@ggefgfeeeffeeffehkefY eiefdeheeii@{elack of love regarding child predators Lack of love regarding child predators eeducation Education eeeeefeggfffhfhegfgfjgfefe`@eeefgelffleegeggegegvgY efeigedeee'@eoelack of jobs Lack of jobs eeconomy Economy efeeeefeefflhgieeegejkehefeefe@ffgeeeeeeeefgee{hefY eggfdefeejj}@elack of jobs Lack of jobs emore activities for kids 18-21 More activities for kids 18-21 eeeeeeegefffhfheeffjifeeizee@egeffgfeeffeefglgwjefY fegeedeeeE@eLack of education Lack of education fleffflefgghhfiekegfflkeefe@eeeeeffgeeeegfeefhlehefY ehffdef@fe~~hela juventud de hoy en dia es muy rebelde, y no son humildes ni honestos.The youth of today are too rebellious, they aren't humble or honest fellllfeeggehgfgggffhjfffeeeee@@lffffffffgfgggehefY hlgfdehee{@@eJobs. Unemployment rate Jobs. Unemployment rateeEducation Education effeeeegehhleghegegelgeeeefh@eeffffgffeeefeefeehtheY feieedeeee@ŎeJobs. Jobs eEducation. Education ffleeeffeihfegheeegekkeheffffel@fgfeeegeeefgleviefY eI don't think they should be pushing anything at all. I think Huckabee has lost his mind when it comes to benchmark testing and obese testing in schools and taking candy away from children in schools.ggfdeeeeŃ@@eJobs, primary wages Jobs, primary wages epolitics are corrupt Politics are corrupt flleefffefffhggegegfiigeeeeee؞@elefgeeeeefegfgehkefY efgeedgee@eJobs probably Jobs, probably fllleeffeeeeeeggegffjfeheО@feeeeeegefeegfeefieghY efgffeedfe@eňeJobs Jobs eEducation Education felfffeeleflhggefelhighefeeggĞ@eeeffeefeeeegghgefY eggedefeeō@eJobs Jobs eWages Wages feeffffgehfhiggefffgjeeeeef@fffffgfeeffeeiieejefY egffdefeee@ehejobs Jobs ekids needing someplace to go Kids needing someplace to go fefffeeeeffffggeggfeeghi@}feegeeeeefeegeggefgggefY ffeeede>@eeŘejobs Jobs ffeeffffgffffiggefeefgjfeeeeeeg@gffgffeffeemiehgefY fhffdefeeř@eJob Shortage Job shortage eHousing and Medical CareHousing and medical carefelfffffffhhfegffffgjfefef@ffgelffefeffeeigegxieY iehgfdehee(@nntejob shortage Job shortage ffeleeefgefffegfegegehjfeeiveeeeef @fgeeeffeifiehhefY eeffedfeeggwJ@eJob opportunities in the Delta. Job opportunities in the Delta eWell, education. That's such a cliche, but it's so true.Well, education. That's such a cliche, but it's so true eeelleeefhhfeejeeefjgfefefee@feeefeffegeheiggggefY eggedeefeff@Mexico Mexico eJob Opportunities are very low Job opportunities are very low leflfffeegefhfhThe thrree of them should work together to improve education The three of them should work together to improve education gghMexico Mexico efeigffe@eeegeeeefffffgllgggiY efhThey should adapt to the state system of Arkansas ggedefe@@effeInfra-structure Infrastructure eInflation-cost of living is too high Inflation - cost of living is too high feeeeefgeeffeekeeefkkeeeeeeeee@ffgffeegeeefieejefY egffdegeeŋ@einflation Inflation ecrime rates Crime rates eeeffffeehihffgffffgkeeegff@ffeffgeeeegeeefifgiefY egffdehee=@einflation Inflation eenvironmental Environment feeffffegefhigiefeeflifefe@eeeggeffeefegffelgee{hefY ehgedef@@eeeeeinflation Inflation esmall business owners will eventually go bankrupt if no help is granted based on gas, diesel, and lumber prices Small business owners will eventually go bankrupt if no help is granted based on gas, diesel, and lumber prices ellgfffggffhighefffkjeeeefeeg@flegfleffeefiegwgefY egffdeeee~#@eIncome levels Income levels feeefffeggffhifiefffhjgefe~e@eeeeeeeeffffggefgggeY fefefedhee@Őeincome Income ehealth care Health care feeffffgefhffghefefhjfeeiffffef@fgfeeegfeefhegfefY egffdegeeuu} @eImmigration Immigration eEducation systemEducation systemeeeeeeegeffeegieefflgfefeeee@egfffefeffeeiglggefY eEducation, Pulaski County, don't trust it at all, Beebe School District, I trust. ggedefee@weilliteracy and educationIlliteracy and educationegrowth and expansion needs to be more equalized in other areas of Arkansas, such as Ft. Smith compared to Northwest Arkansas Growth and expansion needs to be more equalized in other areas of Arkansas, such as Ft. Smith compared to Northwest Arkansas llleeefggffflgieeffkfgefe@feeggeeeefeeffhhhfeegY efegeedeee@eŔeillegal immigration Illegal immigration feffeegmike hucabee Mike Huckabee feeffffegeeffigeeeeeeeee@eegffeefeeghgeegefY ehgedegeeŌm@eI thought - maybe - just debt. I thought - maybe - just debt. feffeeeefeefhffheeegfkkeeeeee@egelfgleeeeeeegiehgefY egffdeeeef@fieI think the meth problem in arkansas is the biggest problem.. I think the meth problem in Arkansas is the biggest problem eharrision is good town.. I am happy to be raising my family here.. Harrison is good town. I am happy to be raising my family here llleefeglffghghegfgfgfgefe@}feegeeeeeeffehhigghihefY eI'm very opened minded and I think more people should be to. fgeedg@eexxeI live in the delta region of Arkansas. And Education the biggest problem here..I live in the Delta region of Arkansas. And education the biggest problem here ePoverity is another big issue here. we meed more industery.. and more jobs Poverty is another big issue here. We need more industry and more jobs eeefffegghhhiggffefhjeeeeellfl@geefeffegeggefggvgefY eThey don't address issues in my area of Arkansas.. iefdeeee}}M@ehurricane evacuees Hurricane evacuees etaxes, too high, state Taxes too high, state eeleeeegffhffeiegegfjehhef@eefeeeeeffegehgeegefheY feheedehee@ńeHealthcare. Health care feeefffeggeehigiegfeeieehefeefgeԞ@eeefeefeheeegg|gefY efeeedgeeōJ@eHealthcare. Health care ffeeffefegihffgheeffkjfffgeff@fefefeffffgeefgfgefY egefdeeee@eHealthcare Health care eA place to live A place to live feeffffgefhhhgeefelhjehed@feeegefgefeeefeefgehhiY efeigfdege@eŕeHealth insurance, lack of, overwhelmingly this is the biggest problem of all, no others as important Health insurance, lack of, overwhelmingly this is the biggest problem of all, no others as important feeeffffgehieighefffjjeeeeeffff@ffgeeeffeeigeehefY ehgfdefeeŏZ@eHealth Care Health care ffeefffeeefeeighegfeeeehefe@effeeeeffegeeeiggethefY eggedeeee|@eHealth care Health care eNo second problem I would like to mention, but there certainly are some No second problem I would like to mention, but there certainly are some ellfffeegfhfifhegfeekehie@eeeggeeeeffegfhegffg|hefY egeedeg@eešegrowth Growth eeducation Education eeffffegghhffgheeffjjeeeefeeg`@gefgfffegeeeeheegefY eiffdegeeŢ@egovt stinks Government stinks etooi many druggies and people who will not work Too many druggies and people who will not work ffleellffeghhfgfeefffjeeehf\@ffglefgeeeeeeeefheh|ieY fgiffdegee@[@ŗeGovernor Huckabee realeasing prisoners(killers and rapists). Governor Huckabee releasing prisoners killers and rapists fflleeefgeffgffhefffgkehhfeegef@fgeeeegeeefgeh~fefY ehgfdehee{@eGovernor Huckabee forcing his health care on students in the public schools. Governor Huckabee forcing his health care on students in the public schools eJoyce Elliot dictating govermental policies on public education.Joyce Elliot dictating governmental policies on public educationfffeellfegffiigkehNon-partisan. Non-partisan gfjifefeeff@gfffgfeefeeefhegmgefY fQ49 And other things also. (Something else) hfedeheeg@Outside the US Outside the US eGovernment Government eEducation Education feeffffggiiffehifefigfhe@feefeefgffeegfeefgefgY efehgedeee@eegetting rid of Meth problem Getting rid of meth problem fefeffffegfiffgheffefkifffeeeeee@eeeeffegfheiggfhefY ehgedefeeŃ~@egas prices too high Gas prices too high flllmmllegeeeffehegggfejfeleel؞@lfgmmgmmeffeefiehghefY ffffedeee @eGas prices Gas prices eracisim is bad here Racism is bad here eelffffegffeefhffflgeeefiԞ@fffgeeeeeffeeellegletgefY fTrust but there should be more as far as work. All the factory jobs are leaving. They need bring them back fgeede@eezeGas prices Gas prices feeefffegefefffgegfefhjeeeezeeee@gfegfeffffeiieehefY feffedeeeŌ@@eGas prices Gas prices feffeeefeeffhffjeefgeijeeeee@eeegffgeeeffeefieesheY fegffdefee@]@}egas prices Gas prices egas prices vs. income Gas prices vs. income meeffllffghhfhhnone of the above None of the above hefefkifeleeeefelĞ@efeleeeeeeehlgfefY eQ31- Once saved, always saved gfedeheew@egas prices Gas prices ejobs and pay ver little of both Jobs and pay - very little of both eeeeefefeeheeekegfeehjfeeiweff@gefeefeeffeegighkefY eeffedeeenn@@regas Gas ffllffflfeeffffieffllehe@@fllglfflffllleegiehjY efflfldehe@eyefunding for schools Funding for schools fefeffeefefhhfeheefgfjkeeeiyfeeee@ffgeeeffeefieghhefY feffedgeeōz@eFuel price Fuel prices eEconomy Economy efeeeeefefheigjegegeikeeeeef@fgfefgfeeegfeefieghefY egffdehee@eFinancial problems, not enough money to live on.Financial problems, not enough money to live on eEducation, legislature should butt out of the school system. Education, legislature should butt out of the school system. fffeeeffehhhigkeeegeijeeee|@feeggefgeflegfeefgehjefY ehgfdee@felliefalta de trabajoUnemployment flfeffleleehellfhgglljeffefeeex@lffgfffegfelhiggjefY liffdeeeŁ)@eEnvironment needs to be cleaner Environment needs to be cleaner eDrinking and alcoholism Drinking and alcoholism eefffeeeefffffgfeegeghehff@eefeefeeflfmegeffejeY fffeeedhee@R@zeenviornmen Environment feeeffefelfghfegeleffjffeizfllggl@fgffeffgffigghefY heffedeeśY@eemployment, lack of, better paying jobs.Employment, lack of better paying jobs. ffeefffegehmfhefeffgfjfgemeeeex@feeegefeegfeeghehiefY eifedeheeŧ@eelderly needs Elderly needs emoney for those on social security Money for those on Social Security fffffffggihiiegffefgieeeiH@ffffflelfefeffeeeggefY eiejgedehe@@eŏeeducation. Education fefeeeemgghhfhgifgegeijeefgeeeee@eegeeeegfeeigmefefY eggfdefeepp@militaryMilitaryeEducation, there is a big difference in the quality of schools. Very large difference in amount of money vs. education. Southern schools not as good. Education, there is a big difference in the quality of schools. Very large difference in amount of money vs. education. Southern schools not as good. ePoverty level increase in the south, related to schools. Problem not adressed enough. Arkansas rates as one of poorest states. Poverty level increase in the south, related to schools. Problem not addressed enough. Arkansas rates as one of poorest states. eeefffffghfehghefefhehieee@eeeeeeeffffhhigeeukefY ffgeedgee@eeducation, have problems with our benchmark exam, it's way too complicated for what we're doing, having to teach for the test instead of education Education, have problems with our benchmark exam, it's way too complicated for what we're doing, having to teach for the test instead of education ffefeeefgeghfhgieefgfikeeeg@eeeggffgeeeegeeefgeehhefY ehgfdeg@l@eettteeducation systemEducation systemfleefffefgiihhfhmhamericanAmericanfkehieeeeeĞ@feefefeegfgeigeehefY eggedegeeh@@eeducation issuesEducation issuesfeeeeeeegeeffhgkeeegejkeeeee@eegeefgeeeffeefgeeheY fehgfdeeee@qqVarious location in the world ( U.S Army) Various location in the world US Army eEducation Education eLack of shooting ranges Lack of shooting ranges fffeeeffghieeehegefjeeheeffeef@fgfffegfeefmehhefY ehmedeeeeŀ@@eEducation Education eI feel standerized tests aren't fair judjment of what student can do. I feel standardized tests aren't fair judgment of what student can do eeeeeelgehffffhegegehkehefee@geefgeeeefeeefgehhefY eNon-denominational fgfedheeř"@eEducation Education fleefffefehhiifkefegeljeeee@eeeeeefgefeegfeefieggY efehffdehe@eeEducation Education fellfflfleefhlhghefegfjjfhefeeee@elgeleegeeeflgegefY eflfedheeŘ[@eEducation Education eJobs Jobs eeeffffgeefhigiegfgfjemife@eegefgeeeefeeefgeghefY ehgfdeeeeq@qeEducation Education felleelleeehifegkeefgelkeeee@feeeeeffeeeffefffeeiefY ehefdef@eeeeneEducation Education eSchool Funds are not being used for what they are really needed for School funds are not being used for what they are really needed for ellfflleffiilifieffljghheellep@effgfeeffeefmehgefY eimedeeee}}@europe Europe eeducation Education eeconomy Economy flleefflefflifgegefkgffeefĞ@ffffefffeeffeeiiehhjeY fegfedegee@needucation Education ehuckabee needs to go Huckabee needs to go feeeeeffehhhfgkkeegekkeeeeefffgf@fgeeeegfeefiehgefY eWould rather vote for Clifford the Big Red Dog than Huckgffdeeee@@@eeducation Education earkansas is low on finance and the working population is not making enough money. Arkansas is low on finance and the working population is not making enough moneyefffflleelgihheifgfefjheeegeee@@geefffeeegeeefiee{fefY eWomen should be more educated. lfedefeeŇ@'@eeducation Education ffelffffeehhffgiegfgflkeeeeȞ@fllegefgeffegfeefeehehY efeMainly because of the education issues gefdeee@8@e}}needucation Education ffeeffffeeffghfkefefiefmefeegfȞ@efgeffegfeemieheiefY eGasoline prices and food prices gfedeeeeŊ@eeducation Education ehealth care Health care elllleeeefhfhgieefgekkeeeeee@eggffgffeegeeefgefiefY eggfdefee@eeducation Education emedicare and social security Medicare and Social Security feefffflffffhgiefeflhfefe@feeeeeffeleegfhfeegeiefY egeedef@eeeeducation Education eracism Racism feeffffefhhlhehefeeekehhgfeeeȞ@geeeeffffhhhege{hefY egeedefeexxi@eeducation Education fellffffgfihfeggegfefgefhi{e@eeeeeeeefeefehheggffeY fgegeedfee@@kkgeeducation Education lefeeeelgehieffheeegejkeeeefeeeef@fgeeeegfeefgehiefY ehgfdeheehhi@eeducation Education fellffffggfiffggffeefjgfeeeeee@egeeeeffegehhegfe{gefY ehgedefeeŇ@eeducation Education epoverty Poverty efleeeeeehgghfkeefgflkeeeeȞ@effeeefgleeeeeeefgeethY efeggfdeeeB@eŠeeconomyneed more discipline in our schools Economy; need more discipline in our schools feeeeefeggffhhfgeggefhifeeeffffgd@eefefeegfgeghehgefY eifedeheeŧ@eeconomy, the huricane, people don't have a place to liveEconomy, the hurricane, people don't have a place to live feeeffffeehhfflhigffjkeeeeeeH@eggffeefeeeeeefgeh~hefY ejgfdehee@@eeconomy Economy edisrepair of highways despite payment of high taxes Disrepair of highways despite payment of high taxes ffeffefeeeeleggeeegehhehe|@eeeggffgeeeegfeefiehhefY ePentecostal hfedee@eezeeconomy Economy feeefflfeegfgfffhfffffieeeizfllf@eeeeeffeeehheeggfeeY eeeeedhee@eeconomy Economy egas prices too high for wages Gas prices too high for wages ellffllegghhfffheggfgfeeeeԞ@ffgfffgfeeegfeefigeheY ffffeedhee@iieeconomy Economy emarriage, there views on marriage have change during the time Marriage, there views on marriage have change during the time elleeeleefflhgheeegehkeeeefeegge@fgefeeeeeefmehhefY egmfdegeew@eeconomy Economy edrug problem Drug problem feeffefgefhihfhegfffifeeeeee@gfffgeeeegfeeffehqgefY eheedeheeş@eeconomy Economy esocial security Social Security eeeffflegffghfhefeefjfhefeh@feegglefeflegelleglegY efeigedefe@@eŀeeconomics Economics eIn Eastern Ark , really poor and really doing well, no opportunities In Eastern Arkansas, really poor and really doing well, no opportunitieslllffffgeiieeghegffhjefegfllfl@ffgeefeglelfmleeiefY eThat is a dumb question - you don't judge people by that!!! fmfedefeii@Mexico Mexico eEconomic Problems Economic problems eMigration Migration ellffllleeffffghgeffhigffe|fe@efeeffffeegeffegeehefY hAgree according to their economic status and also depending on the quality of student that the government is going to support egeedeeN@eDrugs Drugs eImmigrants taking away the job openings.Immigrants taking away the job openings fefffffeghhhffeegfgejgghg@ffffeffgefeegeeeeiehgefY ehfedefm@eeňedrugs Drugs eeconomics in the commuinity Economics in the community eeeffeegehifhggfgggeikeeeefeeeĞ@gfffffeeefeeefggfefY egefdeeeeū)@edrugs Drugs fmmefflmeeghhllefeggfggeeehf8@eeggeefeleegeeeffgggeY fgjeedeeee@Ũedrugs Drugs ejobs Jobs feffffegeihlffgefegeifefeeffflfD@fglfeffeefilgfefY fjfedeeeeŋ@edrugs Drugs ethe poor - not getting as much help as they should The poor - not getting as much help as they should lllllllegghgfiehjggfiiehefee@egeeeeflegehheeehhefY hgeedeefexxs@hediscriminacion Discrimination ffffffeleeiffffggeeeeekefem@@effmmlelllllflllggmjY efelgfdeeO@ełeCrime Rate Crime rate leeleefegeefflhall of them All of them feeelehfefefllggܞ@eelfelffefihehiiefY lffeedgeeŌL@ecrime Crime eHigh Medical costs High medical costs eefffeeeghhhhghfffffheeeiff@fgfffgfffegeeegieefefY fgfedefee1@eCost of living Cost of living feeeffeeeefehigheeefigfeee@feefeefgeeeffeeigeegefY eggedeg@eeŝecorrupt government Corrupt government feffeeeefffhfffgegggfikeeeeeeeep@gffgefeegeeefieggefY eiffdegeeŘ@echild abuse Child abuse enot enough jobs Not enough jobs eeeffffefiieiehmggfgkfiif@eeeeefgeeeefeeeflegieY fehlfdeeee@uurebuying their own property, not having enough money to do that Buying their own property, not having enough money to do that feeeffeeeghffffhfgeefiheeeffeegee@efefeegfhhiegegefY efeeedgeeuuj@eAcademics,the school system Academics, the school system eLack of decent jobs Lack of decent jobs eleeeeeegiifffieeegflkehefff@eeeegefeeeeeeefgehefY egefdeeeejj@ieAbortionAbortionfelleeelgehfeffkeeegekeeee@feegglfgleeegfelflelhhY effhlfdegfG@ehhmexico Mexico llllllllleeegefffggfflifffefllll؞@fffffffflllllliefY ffleedfeii@@El Salvador El Salvador lleeeeelleggeefflegllefiiyfe@eellfglfllfffllfegefY heleedeee-@e|lleeellfeffffffghhfelihfhe@eeeggefgfeelfehfiegiefY fRespondent was Laotian hfedef@eeŅmmefeeeeegefffegheeegejjehefffeО@gffgfeefeeefheg{hefY hfffedfeemmg@lleeeeeeegeffleggjefgfikeeeef@ffgelfgeeeeefelfglgheY fefgfedgee@ppslfelefffeggfflhegegeflegffeleeege@fgeeeffeefheegefY ggfedegeetth@lfeleeeleegeffhiffeefflggefiveee @ggeffeeefffiihmfggefY fefeedeee}{@llelleeeegehhffghmeegfhkeeee}@eeefeffgfeeefeeefeeehY efffefedfe@@eŋllfllffffflfflhlgjfeeeifgiefllge@ellefeegeeeiiehgefY egfedegeeŋ7@lffeeeeefggffhifjeefeflieefeee@eggefgeeefeeefgee{hefY eggedefee]@|lflfffffelllhhhlgeglllleei@|fllllffefllfflllilgzgefY lefledh@eeŁlffeeffffggfffhegefefieghefeeg@geeeefeegfhfegghogefY efgeedeeell;@lleeeeeeegeffhhfheglfkifeeixe@eeeeeffffeffeefhehhieY feefeedgeer@jjilfelleeeeleeffflgelljieeeefeeeel@lleleffeefgeeiefY fggedegeejj@mmelellflgefffflfegefjkeheeee@geefgefeffeelfgghefY ffefedhfell@nlleeeeeeeeeggeffggllggfffe؞@eeeflfefffffffllgleiY efefgeedeev@eŗework force-- lack of quality of jobs Work force - lack of quality of jobs feeeffffglfffhggefefigfheeeegg@efgffeegeeeiighxfffN ePentecostal; Under Q4 (gave at the end of survey) Other: Does not think retired people should have to pay school taxes out of their personal property or real estate taxes, if these people have not school aged children. People on a fixed income should not have to contribute to the school district if they have no dealings with the school system. Respondent feels that once children are out of school the tax payers should not have to support others.hfedeheeeeiy@eWell, I think drugs is Well, I think drugs is ei think that there is some graft in some of the government offices I think that there is some graft in some of the government offices eelffeegghhhflgegffhjeeeefl$@lggefgefeffeeiheehfffN ekffdegee@{eWelfare, MedicareHalf of the state is on it. Welfare, Medicare. Half of the state is on it. fefeeeeeggffffghegefjghhe@{fffeeeefefeefehgefeghfffN eeeeedgX@eeŖewelfare Welfare eHispanics regulated Hispanics regulated efeeeeeggfffhfieeegfljeefefeeg@eefgffeffllegeefffN ehgfdegeerrr@ewe have a bad reputation of being ignorant, outside the state. We have a bad reputation of being ignorant, outside the state ewe are kinda backwards. We are kind of backwardseefeeeffehhhffheeegegjeeeef0@eeggefgeeeegfeefhegffN fejffdehee@xxieWe all repent of being disobedient to Gods word We all repent of being disobedient to God's wordflflfflmlfeelefghegegeleeeeffffff0@fgeffffeefiehfffN fLincoln is not helping the American people and she is helping another agenda. People should have guns, and conscious should start operating. Present judges are perverts. You will be worse off unless proper changes are made, being kind to them and inform t hem to repent from their mistake of knowing how to please God. They have been misadjusted jfldeheemmv@eWe're the poorest state and the ecconomy needs to change. There's too many really rich people and old money around here. We're the poorest state and the economy needs to change. There's too many really rich people and old money around here. eThe laws about employers able to fire you for any reason, because we're a right to work state. The laws about employers able to fire you for any reason, because we're a right to work state. ellffffglffeeggjgffhieeeezeff@eeeffeeeeffmmegegfffN eFifty-fifty between local and state government. And the teachings of his religion. egeedgeeş @ewater- the availability of high quality water Water - the availability of high quality water ffffeeeffehfffgieeegekeefeh@eeeffffgfflegfeefgehifN ffeTeachers don't have time to do the basics - too much red tape igfdegek@eşeWages. Wages emedical facilities. Medical facilities. efelleeeghhfhfiegefgifeehfeegeh@ffgfeefeellhee~fffN eifedeheeŎ9@eWages. Wages ffeleellfgefffffieefgfffhefe@egglfllfeegeeelllhfffN egledehee@eWages Wages feeeeeelgefflffgelgejeeee@feeegffgefeffeefglhlffiN ehgfdeg@eeuu{eWages Wages egas prices Gas prices ffeffffgeffffggegffheeheefff@geegefefeeefheetfffN hhfedeeeeő@ewages Wages ehealth care Health care feefffeegfhiigiffefjkfhge@eeggefgeeeegeeefggeffN fehgfdefee@@şeunempoyment Unemployment eSallaries are to low Salaries are to low feeeeefggefffggeggfjegefeeeeggeh@effffeeefeehehfffN hifedefeeś@eunemployment and lack of jobs Unemployment and lack of jobs feeefffffffffhgfeffefefheeeex@egffgeefffeefieelfffN eifedegee5@weUnemployment Unemployment ffeefffeegefiiekffeeekjehet@effggeegeeeegeeefgegfN ffeigfdeee@eŁeUnemployment Unemployment feeeeeeeggfffhfgegffhfhhieeeee@llffffffeefgehgffN hfgeedgeeœ.@etraffic Traffic epollution Pollution lllllmmllhhfgghellekeheff@feelfgefeegfeefgeefffN hhgfdegee)@ieTrading of national forest land.Trading of national forest land.fefeffeefefgehgheeegekieeeet@feeeeffgeeeffeefiehfffN eifedeh@feeeTamaulipais Tamaulipais eTrabajo Trabajo feeeffeeegeffefiggefhefefxeeeg@eeeefeeffggimggsgfiN lemeedfeeh@eThis day and time we have alot of problems, excessive gas and home fuel prices. That's what's hurtin' the household - taking so much money for fuel. This day and time we have a lot of problems, excessive gas and home fuel prices. That's what's hurting the household - taking so much money for fuel. eWell, if you're taling about political, the money's been spent in this war that we've been in. If that money was put in the infrastructure, I think the whole country would be in beter shape. Lots of infrastructure that needs to be done - highways and a Well, if you're talking about political, the money's been spent in this war that we've been in. If that money was put in the infrastructure, I think the whole country would be in better shape. Lots of infrastructure that needs to be done - highways and al l kinds of public work. leeffffggffhiegefefjegefeeD@ffggefefffegfleghghuffN ffjfedegee`@zzeThey need Jesus.They need Jesus eCost of living is going up but minimus wage isn't. Cost of living is going up but minimum wage isn't eeeeeleeeehgfelheefgfikeeee~feeeef@fgfeeffeefgehegffN ffgfedeeeoo@eThey could clean up some of the streets.They could clean up some of the streets.feeefflleeehfffggeefgegjfeehfeeX@fgfflfeeefefffilggffN liffdehee||u@Israel Israel eThey are not stepping into the 21st century. They are not stepping into the 21st century eEducation. Education feeffffegfhfighegffjggge@eeegleefeffegfllieee~gN ffeQ5. He does do some good things, I have a problem with his personal views. Q47 It is their own business. Q46. Same answer as Question 47. heedehe @eiieTheir tax revenue is not enough to take care of what they've got. And, I would like to see powerball in lottery come in here, instead of taxing more money all the time. Their tax revenue is not enough to take care of what they've got. And, I would like to see Powerball in lottery come in here, instead of taxing more money all the time.eGas prices, ridiculous! Regular gas is getting out of hand. Gas prices, ridiculous! Regular gas is getting out of hand. eeeffffggffffggefefjeffefeefe`@eegefeegeeeggehlfffN eigfdegeeu@@eThe wages are too low and people have to make a living in Arkansas like this. The wages are too low and people have to make a living in Arkansas like this eTaxes are too high. Taxes are too high eeeffffeggiffggegffjhfeeeeet@eggefgeeeffeefheh~ffiN fifedeheeY@eThe Unemployment rate The nemployment rate eThe pay rate is too low.The pay rate is too low eeeeefegeffgifjefegekkeeeeD@feeeeffgllefffefgeggffN ejgfdef`@eenneThe school System - The school system feeeffeellfhlfljeefgfjhfefefeee@geefeflffllgglefffN efgeedfeeee~@eThe real estate growth The real estate growth felleeleffeffeegieefgfjieeeee@eeggffgfeeffeefieghgfN feffeedgee@eThe poverty The poverty fefeeeefggiieeghegegejjeeeeeeeggfL@fgeeeefeeefieefffN eDoes not feel that the schools are doing their jobs at all. We don't need as many superintendents. No need jffdeeeeũ@ethe over emphasis of athletics The over-emphasis of athletics ffeeffgthe other democrat who may run The other Democrat who may run feghihifkefffgihefeeee@@fffefefeeeeheiheefffN ejfedefeeŬY@eThe one issue that I have run across - medical help for Seniors. So that Seniors can get more medication or better medication without it costing so much. The one issue that I have run across - medical help for seniors. So that seniors can get more medication or better medication without it costing so much. eThere are alot of people that are without housing. Some of these organizations could help Seniors with their payments. I have an FHA loan. There are a lot of people that are without housing. Some of these organizations could help seniors with their payments. I have an FHA loan. eeeeeeefgelffghegegfifhg4@feeffeffefeeeegeefghfN fffjeedehe@eŝethe meth drug problem The meth drug problem ehealth care Health care efeeeefgghhfffheeegflgfeeefeeegp@fffeeeegfeefheefffN eifedefeeřT@eThe image the rest of the world has of us. In a good way. The image the rest of the world has of us. In a good wayfeelffffggeefhgkegffjjfeeefe@egfeeeefmleheggghfffN ehgfdegee@!@eThe gass prices.The gas prices eJobs. You can get hourlu wage, but you can't live on hourly wage. Jobs. You can get hourly wage, but you can't live on hourly wagefeefffeggefhiggefefefefeH@fllffefgeeeffeefhehfffN ejfedeh@ee}}ieThe federal government. The federal government. eThe stupid war. The stupid war fffffffleiiheghehSomething else. Something else lhehieefffl@fffffffffgligehfffN figedefeeŖ@@eThe education in Arkansas is the biggest problem.. The education in Arkansas is the biggest problemeHealth Care Health care efeeeelgghheefkeeeflhfeeef@ffegelgffeegeeeigeetffN feI think all of them hgedeeee@ŦeThe education cuold be better...The education could be better eAlso the roads could be better.. More improvment on the roads Also the roads could be better.. More improvement on the roads feeffffglffllggefefjfmefeefflL@fgeeeffeefieh}fffN eIt should be the person's choicejffdeeeeŞk@ethe economy The economy epresident bush is the sorriest pice of shit we've ever had President Bush is the sorriest piece of s*** we've ever had eeeffffggffhhefefefigfefeeeel@ffffgffeffeegiehkfffN eifedehee@@eThe cost of health and how much medication has gone up. The cost of health and how much medication has gone up eFunding of school systems. Funding of school systems eeeeeelemgffffheeegfhlefee@feeggemmeeeffeefigetfN ffgkfldeee@@eiethe condition of their soul before god The condition of their soul before God elack of education Lack of education eeeeefegefffhgkeefgfkkeeeeeeeggl@ffgeeeegeeefiehfffN eiffdeeee@eThe average child rapist gets six months while people who do not deserve to be in jail are in jail. The average child rapist gets six months while people who do not deserve to be in jail are in jail. ffllffffgfeegifhefeeekjeeegfe@eeeefgeeeeffheieegngffN gfefedhee@reterrirorism Terrorism eeducation problems Education problems eeleeefeeffhfgheeegeikeeee<@feeggffgeeeegfeefgeetfffN ejgfdeex@eeŊeTaxes. Taxes feefffmfffffehghiggfikehefeeg@geffeeeefehhefgghffN egefdegee}}@Germany Germany eTaxes Taxes eillegal immigration Illegal immigration flleeefeliifegkkgegekjfeeeet@eeeeffglffegeeefllhffN feilfdegee@qqeTaxes Taxes ffeeffffeghhfhhnone of them None of them hefefigfhefeefge@eeeffeeehhefgefffN eheedefeeŜ@etaxes Taxes eeducation Education efleeeegfiiiffheeegeeifefieeet@feeeffefefflleleeffN eiledefee8@ietaxes Taxes feeefffeegfhfffgeeffhjfeee,@eeefgffgffeegfeefgeeufN ffejgfdege@eŜetaxes Taxes lfeeffffggffhhekefefhjfeeefeeggt@eefeffegeheefghgffN eiefdegeeū@etaxes Taxes eeducation Education feeffffgghhhiggegfefgegefeee8@eggffgefefffehheefffN ejfedegee@hetaxes Taxes eliberal political Liberal political effeeeefeffefeiegggejgfefet@eeeggffgeeeffeefiehgffN eifedefZ@eešetaxation without representation Taxation without representation evoter apathy Voter apathy flfffffgeiifeliehindependent democrat Independent Democrat fhkeeeefeeg`@fffgefeffeefiehgffN eiffdegeeũu@eTax on food Tax on food eThe Arkansas legislators do not know what their doing, or understand what is going in the world.The Arkansas legislators do not know what their doing, or understand what is going in the world.lmmfflflegiigighegmfighefee@@eeggeffeefeefhhegeghffN fejgedegee@q@ŰeSurviving, i guess Surviving, I guess flllfffleelgllleefflfhfeehfeefge$@fgeeeffglihegyfffN lkfedeheeqq@eState Taxes State taxes ffllffffgghhflgkegffjjfefeeee4@ffeefefeegeeeiheffffN fjffdefeeoo@@eso many out of work So many out of work elow wages Low wages lllfffeeeggggegeleejkfefe@feeggeelefeegflhlglggN ffhhgfdeee@eŕesize of government is too large Size of government is too large ffffffelfehhemgiegggfljeeeeeffeg@ffgeeeeffeefgle{hffN ehgfdefeeh<@eSHe doesnt know She doesn't knowleleeeelggefflghehyou vote the person that is more qualified You vote the person that is more qualified gffieefife(@eggeemfmeffmlmgehffmN ekgedegee@eSecond AmendmentSecond Amendmentesecond amendmentSecond Amendmenteeeeeeefefhffhstate should have control over the greatest part of the school system but the fed gov should also excersie some control over the schools. kind of a check and balance system there. State should have control over the greatest part of the school system but the fed gov should also exercise some control over the schools. Kind of a check and balance system there ieeegfeefeeeD@eeeggffgffeffeefiehfffN eThe schools could use more money for teachers salaries. We need more quality control of our systems of the people they hire. If they can do a background check for a weapon they should for teachers, principles and superintendents, all educational superviso rs. Gay rights leaders and gay people should leave the nation if they don't like the way the US does things.jfedeh@&@eejj{eschools. funding. Schools. Fundingeillegal aliens. and where you are at probably has the most problems. i hope you are getting paid for this. Illegal aliens and where you are at probably has the most problems. I hope you are getting paid for thisellfflffgghihhgjegefigmeeffg@@gffgefeegeeefmghgfffN elmedeeeeggh@@eschools in need of improvement Schools in need of improvement eneed lotto to increase state funding Need lotto to increase state funding eelfffeeehiffgegggefekheeee`@eeeeffgffeeefeeiighhffN feiffdegee@0@heschools Schools feffeefefghiiifjegggfjemmeeeeee@@efefeegfeehfeeffiN elefdefeev=@eSchooling in Arkansas Schooling in Arkansas eGas Prices are way too high to be able to go to work and make money to pay for the gas Gas prices are way too high to be able to go to work and make money to pay for the gas ellfffeeehhfhlgfgfgfeiehivfff @feffgeeefeeiiiehiffN fefeedfeeŝ@b@eschool, the problems School, the problems feeeeeelgeefffgieefgfgkeeeep@feegeefgefeeeeeefgegrfN ffeFeel that it should be local. Other parts make wonderful laws but they have been out of the classroom for so long that they have lost touch of the children. Local would have more of an input of what's going on with the children. Some kids are being overlo oked. igfdehe>@ezzreschool systems School systems eroads Roads feeffffeehhfffheffefeeefegfffgg@eeffffefehhefggtfffN eheedeeeehK@eschool are substandard in preparing for college School are substandard in preparing for college emoral issues facing state Moral issues facing state eeleeeegefhefghegegeikeeeefeL@eggffgfeeffeefief~fffN ejffdeheem@eSalaries for jobs in the state are too low, and force people to leave the state and not keeping their jobs. Salaries for jobs in the state are too low, and force people to leave the state and not keeping their jobs. fflleeefgefhlhhjust other Just other heefgekjeefe@feegglefefeffgefgleufffN ehgfdeg@eeŇeRural Education\Rural education eper capita income Per capita income eeefffeegffgifiegfefhgefeeeegȞ@gleeeffefeheeggh{hffN eggedefeegg@eroads Roads eEnviromental issues, drinking water, trash Environmental issues, drinking water, trash feefffeefiiiihNone of the three None of the three kjffefjgfffefX@eeflffgfeefeeefiehgfN feDepending on gas prices and the economy ifedegee@@}eRepublicans. Republicans eThe Iraq War. The Iraq War eeeffffggfhhifkefefehheeeegge`@efeffflhfhgghfffN eBoth disapproves and approves. igedeeeeŀ@ereligious rightsReligious rightsegay rights Gay rights effeeeeeehiefgkeeegehkeeeefee@eeffgfeeffeefieefffN efffedfeeoo@eRapid growth of population Rapid growth of population eMeth Meth eefeeefegfglfgheefgfjjeefeD@feeggelfeleegfllemehhfN ffejmfdege@@eşeQuality of education is a problem. Improving education is the only thing that will drive better economic conditions of the state. Quality of education is a problem. Improving education is the only thing that will drive better economic conditions of the stateffeeffflgghifhfjeffflhfefeeeegeh@effeffefeggeggefffN eigedefeeŁ@@eQ3 Jobs Jobs feeeffefggfhfhfgfeegffefeeeff@fgeffgeffegeeegeefhffN ffeeedeee@dieQ3 Urban sprallUrban sprawl fleleeeegeflfhggeeffgfhi @veeeegefefffffhhifghfffN feeeedg=@eeppeQ3 Prescription drugs. Prescription drugs eQ4 Health insurance Health insuranceelleefegeffeffheggfhgfelefeee@eeffeeeeeeeefgehfffN eggedeeeejjg@eQ3 Financing the schools. Financing the schools eQ4 The poultry industry. PH levels in soil are not good. Oklahoma is suing Arkansas because of water pollution. The poultry industry. PH levels in soil are not good. Oklahoma is suing Arkansas because of water pollution efeeegQ9 Will have to study up on who would be a good candiate. Will have to study up on who would be a good candidate efghiffgheefefigeeeefl@eeggeeeeffegellelghhffN feiledegee@@ŐeQ3 Economy Economy eQ4 Gas prices Gas prices eeeffflegfgehggegfgfhjeeeefffeee@fgefeegfeefiefsfffN egffdefeeŝs@eQ3 Drugs Drugs eQ4 Higher wages. Higher wages eeellfeggffehggefefjjehefeep@fgffgeeeffeegighgffN eiffdefeeų@ePROBABLY, EDUCATION. Probably, education eIF IT WOULD BE ANYTHING, IT WOULD BE HIGHWAYS. If it would be anything, it would be highways. eeeeeeefehhffggegefhjeeee@eeeggefgfffffeefheffN ffekffdefey@eeProbably, education. Probably, education eHealth care. Health care feeffefegffeefhefffjieefefeeee@eefefeegeffhfehhffN eheedefeejjR@eProbably, education Probably, education feffeeefggffffgheeegejjeefefeX@eggeffeeeegelehgeg{fffN eigfdefee@eProbably education Probably education fffleeefgghhlhgieefgflkeeeet@feeggeffeeeegeeefgeefffN eigfdef@eeşePrices of fuel for heating and transportation. Prices of fuel for heating and transportation eThe cost of prescription drugs. The cost of prescription drugs feeffffggffhigkefefjjeeeefeegh@geefefeegeeeehmhfffN eiffdeeeeoor@eprice of gas Price of gas fllmeeeefeeegfgheggfhkeeeee4@eegfffgfefffeefiehffN fejffdeheeC@ťeprice of energy/gas Price of energy/gas ehealthcare costsHealth care costs lefeeefeefhffghegegeikeffeeeeggeP@ffeeeegfeefgehfffN ejgfdefeellq@ePreventiality Preventiality eTax on all food Tax on all food eelfflelefggffgjegfeejehiefeeT@ggeeeefeefelgeelgfffN eieedeeee@In the armed services In the armed services ePoverty Poverty eAdministration policies Administration policies feefffelfhfhigheggfiieie@@eeeggefgfeelfeefiegfN ffejfedee@efftePoverty Poverty eHealthcare or maybe education Healthcare or maybe education eleeeeelehilegkeeegekeeeeffffg@lfgmeeegeeefmmhffmN ehmfdefeeiit@ePoverty Poverty eSchools, need more moneySchools, need more moneylllffffggfffffiefefhjfflefeh@efeeefeflegfleefgggfffN eiefdeeeeo@ohePoverty Poverty eToo much of our interests is being controlled by special groups.Too much of our interests is being controlled by special groups efeeeeegehhfffgegegeijeeeeD@eeeggffgffeffeefmeh~fffN ejmfdeh@e@ee~ePoverty Poverty ffmmfflfmegffffghfffgegkeeei~fffe@eefgemeeefeefgeefffN ffgfedfee}}P@all over- dad was in military All over - dad was in the military epoverty Poverty edrugs Drugs feellefgeffllfgegeefjeeeeef@ffgeelfeeeefelmeglhgfN fehgedehee@epoverty Poverty eeducation Education eeeffeeeefgfffheffljifeeefeeege@egeeeegfeefgeh~hffN eggedeheeţ@epoverty Poverty eenvironment Environment feefffflgfffhfhegfefgfeeefeeX@ggmegefeeffmeimeffffN eimedeeeeš%@ePoverty - homeless people, people that are disabled that can't get help like they're supposed to. Poverty - homeless people, people that are disabled that can't get help like they're supposed to. eI wish they could get better people in the government. The war - have 2 grandsons that are over there. I just don't think it's right. I wish they could get better people in the government. The war - have 2 grandsons that are over there. I just don't think it's right. lllffffeelfllhThey all should be involved. Not holdin the kids back, that's good. They all should be involved. Not holding the kids back, that's good. eefeffjehf`@fllgeefgeeeffllfieg{fN fhNot any of them.Not any of them.fiffdefe@eŨePolitics are rotten. Politics are rotten eMedicare insurance deal that is about to come into effect is a joke. Medicare insurance deal that is about to come into effect is a joke feeffffgfllfegfefefefeeeeffffD@mmmmmmmmmmmmmhfffN ejmedeeeeŔ@ePoliticsPoliticseReligionReligionfeeffffffhheiehegfflegefeee@efgfeeefeegeeefhehfffN ehfedefee@epoliticsPoliticseterm limits on legislature Term limits on legislature efeeeefegfhffeiegefljeefet@feegefegeefegeffeheefffN eiffdeh-@eeťepeople don't have enough money, can't afford what they need, not making enough money, not enough jobs People don't have enough money, can't afford what they need, not making enough money, not enough jobs ffeeffffeghhhffhefeefieeeeffffP@feffeeeffeefhegfffN ejfedeeeejj'@epedophiles aren't locked up long enough.Pedophiles aren't locked up long enough.feeelleeegfgfffhegeffjefeif0@eeggefeflefellhfegffN fejefdefee@ōepay rates Pay rates feeeffefgefffhgfeggfehfhffffgge@eefeeffgfgfggfffN hgeedeeee@eovercrowding in Arkansas.. Close the borders Overcrowding in Arkansas. Close the borders flelfffflgfflggiefefjjeefefee@geefgfeeffeefilfhfffN ehffdegeeţ@eOur government is breaking the United States apart. Our government is breaking the United States apart eEconomy--The loss of jobs, closing of businesses. Economy - the loss of jobs, closing of businesses flefffflehigifkilgehjeeegX@ellgemmmmmmmmmmfimggN ffeiffdeeef@exxieOur federal government Our federal government feeefffeeghhifgjefffkehieeeeee@eefefffemmeglgfffN eggedeeeen@eolder people don't have enough money to pay for medicine, etc Older people don't have enough money to pay for medicine, etc egas prices Gas prices fleffffeghfhhfgefefgjfeeeff@@fffefeeeeffeefgghfffN fjgfdeeee@@ieoh maybe schooling, education Oh maybe schooling, education feeeeeeegefgfhfheeegehjeeeeT@eeegeefgemeeeeeeefehfffN eiefdeg@eeŢenot well represented in congress. the Christianity has been taken out of everything. Not well represented in Congress. The Christianity has been taken out of everything. feeeeeefgeffeifheeegehkeeeefffg\@gffeefeffeefieh}fffN eiffdeeeeś@@enot paid enough on the job Not paid enough on the job feeeffffgeffffffefefelfhgfx@eeegffgleeffeeiglhsffN fgigldefee@Œenot enough jobs Not enough jobs feeefffleehhgifgffefgieeegfeegge@elefeegeeefiehfffN ehfedehee}\@enot enough high-paying jobs, we're all poor Not enough high-paying jobs, we're all poor enot enough money for scholarships for college, not being monitored correctly, grants going to students who do not deserve but not to his wife who needs it Not enough money for scholarships for college, not being monitored correctly, grants going to students who do not deserve but not to his wife who needs it flleelleggffffegeggfggeeee}eee@feffgeeeffeeiiehtfffN effeedeeeŔ2@enot being paid enough Q12 thats the womans choice its unfair for R to answer in his opinion Not being paid enough emajor drug problems Major drug problems fefffffgmhhhihnone-more of a funding problem None - more of a funding problemhefffjhehe@eeefgefgeeeefeeefgeehN ffehgedefe@@eŤeNo jobs .. unemployment No jobs. Unemployment eThe economy .. not enough industry The economy. Not enough industry eeeeefegefhfegifeffhjeeeeeeegeT@ffgefeffeefgefgffN eigfdeheex2@eno jobs No jobs ffefffffeeihleehegfgeegeelexef@ffeeelfeeffeegighfffN fefeedhee@eno good jobs/unemployment No good jobs/unemployment feelffffegeelfljefefkheffe@feeefeffefeeffeefhmggffN effeedeY@eevenew govenor New governor ffffeeeefehifgfjeelgeligefeeffeh@efffleelelelieefffN eifedefeeŵ@eNeed more jobs for young people that are educated. Need more jobs for young people that are educated eOlder people need housing that are well enough to live independently, rather than live in an elder folks home. Older people need housing that are well enough to live independently, rather than live in an elder folks home eeefffefgfffifhefffhjeeeef@eegglefeeeffeefggeffN fekgfdeeee@Żeneed jobs Need jobs fefleeeegghfhhgkeefgfijfeegfeegff@fgefeffelfigefffN elffdeeeej@enational security National security eeconomy Economy eeeeeeeefiiiighfgggfijeeeeeeeh@geffgfefffeefglffffN eThinks this is a moot question. Gay rights leaders should not exist. igfdeeeeŞ@emoney problems Money problems feeeeelleeeffffffegffegeefhl@feeggeegefeffeefgegofN ffeigedeeeK@eťeMoney Money flllllfflggfhfffegfgfefgeehfllegP@lfgfeefffeiilhffiN gjfedeheejjn@eMike Huckabee Mike Huckabee eneed to improve education Need to improve education feeffffeghhhhehefeeejfffefe`@egfeeeeffeeehhiefg~fffN eiefdeheeP@emedical costs Medical costs feeeeeffegeffhfkefefijeefhh@feeffeefefeegegfhgggfffN eigfdeh@ @eeteMaking a living.. Getting jobs in Arkansas.. Making a living. Getting jobs in Arkansas feffffefgefeeeliegefjkeeeeeeee`@eefgefeffeeillhfffN eilfdegeeeer@eMaking a living Making a living feeffffeeggghifkegffiegefeel@eefgeefeelegehfeelhvffN feieedeeee@s@ŌeLow wages Low wages ehigh price of housing, food etc but wages are still the same while these examples rise High price of housing, food etc. but wages are still the same while these examples rise leefffegghhfefhefefifehefffefe@eeeffefehheeghufffN egeedegeevv@elow wages Low wages ehigh prices, gas etc. wages not comensurate High prices, gas etc. wages not commensurate mefmmlfffffghhghemgfiegemeeee@feeeeeffefeheefggjffN eheedeheeũF@elow wages Low wages egas and prescription drug prices are too high Gas and prescription drug prices are too high eeeffeeegeehhfgefffkkfeee@@eeeeeffgleeegfeefieefN ffejffdege@@eoo~elow wages Low wages feleeeeeeeefhhfgeeeefhhfeeefeeggd@ffgeefffeegifhfffN eifedeeeń@@eLow paying stateLow paying stateelike to see them do more stuff with kids in the school system Like to see them do more stuff with kids in the school system fffffffegfhfffhffefhgfefiffԞ@fgeffgeeeegeeefgeethffN efgeedeee@eLow income, low wages, etc. Low income, low wages, etc. fleefffffgfgeefgefeefgifhg@eeeeeffgffeffeelilhfffN ehfedehA@eeqqielow income for elderly Low income for elderly ecost of drugs for elderly Cost of drugs for elderly eelffeegffhfhfgefefhjeffefeeg8@gefgefeffeegiegfffN ejffdeheevvu@eLow income Low income flllffllleeeffelhehShould be God Should be God likeheft@llgfelgefeeffeefflhlffN fhiefdegee#@ŤeLow income Low income edrugs Drugs feeffffgfffhifgefefejfhefeegglT@lfffeffllfllh~fffN eilfdeheeŕ@eliving ways Living ways feefffeeeehhffggfeffhheeeefee@egffgeeeffeeiiehfffN ehfedeeeerrj@relivable wage and employment Livable wage and employment fleeffffegfggilhefegfjfffeD@eeeggffgeeeegfeeegeggfN ffejgfdeee@eůeleadership Leadership flllffffggffghfhefffhjfeeefeeeg(@mefemeeffflffehgffN ekefdeefej@mexico Mexico elanguage barriers Language barriers eracism Racism ellllllleghhffefgfffffgfffife@egeeeefeeegegggggghhffN hfgeedgees@s{elack of money Lack of money fffeffefmglhiigiehnone of the above None of the above efjmfhe@effffeefeelegfheimmgfffN fQ13 Depends on where you live Q39 Because parent child established relationship Q49 No talk of any relationships - R wanted to leave comments: "The person doing this poll was very nice" "Where is the lottery" for Arkansas? gmmdee@eeŶelack of jobs Lack of jobs ffeefffffefhhhfgffefkehgfeeg @glfgeeeegfeefhggfffN fPentecostal kffdeheeg@elack of jobs Lack of jobs eroad construction, better roads, and more jobs. Road construction, better roads, and more jobs mmmmmmmeeffffghegffjjeeeef\@eeggmfgeeeegfeefmlhffN feimfdefee@yelack of jobs Lack of jobs eStudents unable to find job after college Students unable to find job after college eelffffggffhfeiffeefiieefiyeffeee@fgeffffeegieejgffN eefeedheeŜ@elack of jobs Lack of jobs elow hourly wagesLow hourly wagesfllffffgghhhhfgegffggeeeefeet@ggffgfeeffeefhehfffN eifedeeeeuu@@helack of jobs Lack of jobs flllfffleehifeggelfeieeefw@eeeeeffgffeeeeeeiieghN ffhefeedhe@eřelack of jobs Lack of jobs elow wages Low wages eeeffeegghfhhgheggfhggefefeege@fefefeeffheegehifffN ehgedegeeŪ@elack of jobs Lack of jobs epoor paying jobsPoor paying jobsmeeeeffgeffghgjefffjkeeeefe<@eggefgefeffeefiehfffN ejffdeeee@eLack of industry, education Lack of industry, education feleeeeffegfffggeefgejfeee@eeeggefffleffeefiegfffN ekffdeeJ@eettGermany Germany eLack of good jobs Lack of good jobs feeeeefeggffffgheggfjgefei{eeeg@geeeefeffhhgffhgffN feeeedfee}@elack of education Lack of education feffeeeegehhffggegegeikeeeef<@eeggfffeeeeffeefhehffN fejffdeefe@jjNicaragua Nicaragua eJuventudYouth eObesidadObesity llleeefeefgeegjgeefgjehefeeeef@feffefeeeehfegffN hfffedgeeţ@ejobs/wages Jobs/wages efaster road constructionFaster road constructionmmmmmlllggihffghehwhichever one I feel like is the best Whichever one I feel like is the best fjeeeefllX@ffefgeeeffeehilefffN eiffdefeeŗ@eJobs, we need more factories or industries or something.Jobs, we need more factories or industries or something feeffflfegghhfhghegfefigfeee@eeegglefefeegefeegeetgN fffhgedeee@@eheJobs, unemployment Jobs, unemployment feeefffeegfffhfgefffgifeeefeegg8@ffgefffmelfiegffiN fjfedeeeeŭ@eJOBS Jobs eDRUG PROBLEM Drug problem eeeeefeeefffeehegegegkeeehfe0@eeeffgeeeffeeeieggffN ejffdeeee@eJobs Jobs eGood education, lack of college educated population Good education, lack of college educated population feeffffggfffifieffflieefed@eeeggeeffffegeffeggefffN eHe would not be a good presidentigedeh7@eexeJobs Jobs ffffffleffehhffggffegfhifeeixeffg@effgfeeffeefilgyfffN fGay rights leaders should not be moving at all. efeedheehw@eJobs Jobs eThe way the governor is running it. He is saying everyone needs to lose weight but he has a 300 pound son. The way the governor is running it. He is saying everyone needs to lose weight but he has a 300 pound son. feeffffgghfffgheffffjfefgfd@ffeeeefeeeeglllefggffN feiefdehee@@śeJobs Jobs feeeeeeffefffhgieeegejkeeeefeeggex@fgeeeegfeeigehfffN eigfdeheeww~@n@eJobs Jobs eHealth care Health care elleeeegehflfgheeefgkehiyeee@eeefgffeffeeflegfffN eelfedheeũ@ejobs Jobs eeconomy Economy fleffffggeigigfeggfgkeeee@@eeegfefgeeeegeeeghehfN ffejffdeee@eŃejobs Jobs feeefffeeeffgigkffefjifeeefffgg؞@eegefeegfeefglfgffN efgeedfeeŕ@ejobs Jobs eeducation Education eeefffeegfhhigjefffiefhfee@egfeeeeffeeehheegguffgN eheedegee@eJob opportunities Job opportunities ffflffllflfhlhhlgeffgfjeeeh0@feeggffffffffeeflehffN ejlfdeh@e@eeeJob Openings Job openings lelleeeegehhffghelgeikeeeeeeee`@effgeeeegfeefieegffN eiffdehee{7@eJob Market Job market eMore assistance and housing for poor More assistance and housing for poor fllffffegihfeeffgfgfgefeef{f@ffgfeefefefehhgfggeffN fheeeedeee@şejob issue and more salasy Job issue and more salary feeeeefeegffhhfieggfikfefeeeeggeh@efefeffeefgegfffN eigfdeeeeŁ@eIt's hard to say. Arkansas--- when it went to a right-to-work state - meaning that the unions are not strong anymore, when a young person graduates from colledge, they will work with little, or next to nothing to get their foot in the door. And after a c It's hard to say. Arkansas - when it went to a right-to-work state - meaning that the unions are not strong anymore, when a young person graduates from college, they will work with little, or next to nothing to get their foot in the door. And after a cert ain time, they are replaced by another person befcause of the right to work thing. lffllllfgghhghghefffjfmeeff@fgffglfellelhiefhffN efffedfeeź@eIraq WarIraq Warfleeffffgggghifieggfhgeefh@eeeggeeeeeefffffieegN ffelfedegeA@eŘeInsurance Insurance feeeeefeggffffeiefefijfeeefeeee@ffgeeeffeefiehrfffN eNot favor being easier hffdeheeŀ@eInfrastructure Infrastructure eEducation Education elfeeeegeffhigieeegfjigeefee@eeeefgeeeegfeefiegfffN effeedgee{(@{~einfrastructure Infrastructure eeducation Education emleeeleeeffffieeegelieeeeĞ@feeeeeeffeeegfelfglehhffN eggedegZ@eeffgeInflation, high taxes, gas prices Inflation, high taxes, gas prices eBad Roads Bad roads eeeffllfefhlfffheffffgehgfeefP@geeefelegflllllg~fffN ejledeheeű@eincome, people need more income than what they've got in the state of Ark Income, people need more income than what they've got in the state of Ark ffeleeffgghhiiggegggfhjfefee @eeggffgfeeffeefiefffN ffkffdefee@~~~eIncome and jobs Income and jobs eSchools Schools ffffflffegfhhhgieggfjfhefeeeeggf@lfeeeegfhhigeh{fffN ehgedefeessn@eIncome Income eHealth issues with people who don't have insurance. Health issues with people who don't have insurance. effeeeefefhfefheeegejkeefefmm\@geffgmfeffeefiegfffN eiffdefeejj@eeimmigrants entering state Immigrants entering state eimmigrants take jobs away; jobs and economy are problemsImmigrants take jobs away; jobs and economy are problemsfeeffffggihffghefegfgjehe\@eeegffegfeeffeefiehfN ffeiffdefen@eŏeIllegal Aliens in Arkansas is the biggest problem.. We need to secure the borders.. Illegal aliens in Arkansas is the biggest problem. We need to secure the borders eTaxes .. Old ppl are losing personal properity taxes.. Taxes. Old people are losing personal property taxes feeffgFisher .. Fisher fflghflghefelffhefgfffff@eeeeeeefehhhflhfffN eHere is the Bible Belt and changes are going to be really slow. geedegee@eignorance in politics- people instead of reseraching issues tend to vote for a political party Ignorance in politics- people instead of researching issues tend to vote for a political party ewe have courts overstepping boundaries- this is suppose to be divided equally between brances. i have a problem there. they carry too much weight We have courts overstepping boundaries- this is suppose to be divided equally between branches. I have a problem there. They carry too much weight effeeeffehfehghegegeikeheeeP@eggffgfeefeeefiehfffN ejffdeeee@@eI think uninsured people who lose their job or dont qualify for medicare is the biggest problem in Arkansas.... I think uninsured people who lose their job or don't qualify for Medicare is the biggest problem in Arkansas feeeeelefegfffhfhegefikeefeP@feeggffffeelfhhfgegnfffN ejgfdeh*@eeŘeI think the education system is the biggest problem in arkansas. the Amount of money being put in acidemics when it should be put in Education and teachers saleries.. I think the education system is the biggest problem in Arkansas. The amount of money being put in academics when it should be put in education and teachers salaries eRepulicans are another problem. state or AR in national level people are being put in office and theyre not qualified just because they're friends with the people in Office Republicans are another problem. State or Arkansas in national level people are being put in office and they're not qualified just because they're friends with the people in Office feefflgIm looking at Halter. He just announced that he is running about a week or two ato.. I'm looking at Halter. He just announced that he is running about a week or two ago fgfhhiiejefeeekefleeeef@feeefefefehhefffgffN eSegregation in the schools. heedeeeeii@eI think that moral issues are the most serious. Specifically, there is a lack of honesty and of truth-telling. There is a lack of respect for human life especially age in children. There is a lack of respect of marriage and of responsibilites. Personal I think that moral issues are the most serious. Specifically, there is a lack of honesty and of truth-telling. There is a lack of respect for human life especially age in children. There is a lack of respect of marriage and of responsibilities. Personal affairs and debt included; it's ea serious thing A spirit of greed in this country that I have never seen paralleled. In that, there is a lack of attitude of 'living and let live'; compassion. There is no feeling for poor people. A spirit of greed in this country that I have never seen paralleled. In that, there is a lack of attitude of 'living and let live'; compassion. There is no feeling for poor people efleeeegefhheegeeegegjeeeee@eegeffgfeeeefeefiehffN felffdefeea@şeI think good employment I think good employment feefeeefgefhffgjeefgfkjeeeeeeefgeh@efefeefeeeeglgnfffN eigfdeheennq@eI guess, uh, right now, the education system is pretty important. I guess, uh, right now, the education system is pretty important. eMore balanced legislature. More balanced legislature effeeeegghhffgieeegflegheeeeX@ggefffffegfhleggffffN eigedefeeŧ@eI feel that the problem is that there is no togetherness. I feel that the problem is that there is no togetherness. eI think crime is becoming a problem in Arkansas.I think crime is becoming a problem in Arkansas.fllffffeehfiifgffefgjeheH@fllgglfgleeffelfilgvgN ffejffdeee@eoorehomeless people Homeless people feeeeeflegffhhfggffgfigflefeeglt@mmmmmmmmmmmmmffffN fimedeeeG@ehigher cost of living, gas, taxes, etc. Higher cost of living, gas, taxes, etc. ecrime Crime eeefflfegehhfhfhefegfgkeeeeeed@eglffmefeffeeihehfffN eiffdefee1@zeHigh taxes High taxes feeeffefggfhfffjfffffighi@zeeeeeeffeffegeeeifehfffN geeeede@@eevveHigh taxes High taxes estop state court from legislating from the bengStop state court from legislating from the benchefeeeeffeiiiefkeeegekjeeeeeeeed@eefgeeeffeefieffffN eiffdegeeiq@ehigh taxes High taxes fefeeeeeggfffifhegegfjeeeeef@eeeelfgeeeefeeefgegffN fehgedegee@@Řehigh prices:low wages High prices; low wages emonority business opportunities Minority business opportunities eeeffffmehiffgiffefjkeheeeefff@fgeeefeeeiieefffN ehffdefeewo@ehigh prices of gas and oil High prices of gas and oil eout with the war, I wish it would end. Bring our troops home Out with the war, I wish it would end. Bring our troops home efeeeefeeihffffeeegeijeeeeeee@geffgeefffeefiegfffN ekffdeeeeź@ehigh prices in ecerything High prices in everything feelffflefhhfifgefeffffhh@feeffeegefeffeefgegiN ffelgedehe@@ereHigh gas prices and the way you have to get medicine. I don't think these cards you have to use to get medicine are going to work. High gas prices and the way you have to get medicine. I don't think these cards you have to use to get medicine are going to work eI don't believe the president is doing right. Everything is going up and where is the help for the old people drawing social security? He should have frozen the prices when he saw what was going on. I don't believe the president is doing right. Everything is going up and where is the help for the old people drawing Social Security? He should have frozen the prices when he saw what was going on fleffffgfffhfgfefegfhieeeeeeeffX@ffgefeffeefiegpfffN eifedeeeeų`@ehigh gas prices High gas prices eillegals immagrants Illegal immigrants fleeeeffgiiffggeeegehefeleef@fglffgeeeffeegieetfffN ekfedeeeett@tiehigh gas prices High gas prices eAR is the only state where food and drugs are taxed. Arkansas is the only state where food and drugs are taxed. fleeeeeggghfffheeefegefeP@eeeggefgeeeegfmeegefhfffN ejgedeg@"@eeŘeHigh fuel cost High fuel cost eHigh taxes, unemployment, high medical insuranceHigh taxes, unemployment, high medical insuranceeeeeeeegeiifeeheeffkjeeeefeeg@effgefeffeefiegfffN ehffdeheeŜ@ehigh-dollar gas High-dollar gas feeeeefeeeeffffgegffijeeeeft@eegfffgfeeffeefiehffN feiffdehee@llieHelping the poorHelping the poorlfleffeffffhhhggeggfgegffeeeefge,@eleeefffllfehhfffN ejeedegeeŞ@O@eHeart problems Heart problems eDiabetesDiabeteseeemmgNeither one Neither one legffhhgkeffgfijeeeifeel@egefgffeegeeefiggsgffN eiffdefeeť@@eHealthcare in the state Healthcare in the state eEducation and the consolidation issue.. Education and the consolidation issue feeffffglffhighefeefeifeeeP@feeggeefeelefflehglgfN ffeI believe they should have their own choice about their lives. jgedegen@edeHealthcare Health care feeeffffeglllhhNone of the above None of the above gmfegfjeeeefeeggX@eemellfflegmlhifffN limfdegeeű@ehealth system Health system eschool problems School problems eeeeeeegefhffgieefgfjjeeeeee @eglffgefeffeefgegxfffN ekgfdehee@ehealth issues Health issues efix education Fix education eeefffleffhffghefefjgefe@feegeeeleflegellefgehfiN ehefdef@ee}}Germany Germany eHealth InsuranceHealth insuranceeminimum wage Minimum wage fefffgAnyone else Anyone else fegfffhghegfefiehieefffx@feeeffeffhghgggfffN eigedeeeeţ@ehealth insuranceHealth insurancellelffefleehfhghegffejfeegfX@llgfmmmmmmmmmmmmmgffN ieRespondent refused to answer any questions regarding gays and lesbians. She refused, was going to hang up imfdeeee@Ŕehealth insuranceHealth insurancefffefffegfhhghghegffffeeefeeefee@egefeegfeefhegfffN ehfedeeeeű@eHealth coverage is bad Health coverage is bad feeefflleggffiigjefegfhkfeeeeee @gfefgeeeffeefgge~fffN ekgfdeheeŗ@ehealth care for the elderly Health care for the elderly feeeffeeggfgiifgeffflieefe@feeggelmeeeffeeggggyfN ffehgedeheK@eŧeHealth Care Health care feeeffeffeffhifgegffihgeeeeeeffH@ffgfffegfeeegegnfffN ejgedehee{{~8@eHealth care Health care ejobs Jobs ffeffffggffhifgegfflheeeeeed@egglfffeflfeefgegfffN eigedeeeea@militaryMilitaryehealth care Health care fefeeefeggffffghefffhkeeeeP@eeeggffgeeeegfeefiehffffN ejffdeh@eeŧehealth care Health care eschools Schools ellffleegehhfefgegegfgkeeeefeegH@glffeeeegfelfgehgfffN ejgfdeeee@ehealth care Health care eeducation Education ellfflffegfheelkeefgfljgffeeL@lleeeefefeegegehfgeffN ffjefdefee@xxiehealth Health eeducation Education lllfflllgefehffiellkehefeemml@felfeegeegfiehzfffN hRespondent was Jehovah's Witness, they do not participate in politics gffdeheeŧ@eHaving to live off fixed income, prices go up, but Social Security doesn't, for the elderlty this is the biggest concern they have Having to live off fixed income, prices go up, but Social Security doesn't, for the elderly this is the biggest concern they have feeeffflgfehfhggegfgfggeeffeeeH@ffelleleegeeeflehfffN ejledefeeŲ@eHaving enough money to pay their bills, and medical expenses. It's hard for older to live. Having enough money to pay their bills, and medical expenses. It's hard for older to live eGas, electric bills, no savings.Gas, electric bills, no savings leellleflegffffgeeefgjfeee@feeggffgeeeegfeegief~fN fffVoted for him (Bush), but doesn't approve on everything, but she don't disapprove him. She thinks that we should get out of the war as soon as possible. It's making a black hole in our pocket books. kffdehe@eieGIVE MONEY TO EASILY Give money too easily feeeeeeefeellffeellekfeleeeegg@ffgfeeffeeiilhifffN eQ4 Feels that Arkansas gives money out too easily. Foreigners should not be able to come to this country and get money to go to school. Their own country should be able to pay for their own people. None of this scholarship mess for the foreigners. Q10: I will certainly vote for Huckabee if Hillary runs, Hillary should be sent over with all the problems with war and poverty and get a feel of what's going on. She doesn't know the half of it but think she does. It's just horrible. Q11:There should be no gun control laws at all. Look at Canada, they have control issues where you all these people invading and the good guys don't have guns. Just the bad. No one is able to defend themselves. Going through all the hassle of registering the guns is just not necess ary. Q12:Abortion is just wrong. If a woman can lay down and get pregnant then she should be responsible for the child that comes. Abortion is murder in all cases. They say that it's not a person yet but it is. It's murder. Q15: Interviewer had trouble ge tting the respondent to understand that charter schools were not private. Finally he concluded that he did not know. Interviewer went through all the information of a charter school Q16: I think private schools are great, the students attending often get a much better education than those going to public. The government should pay because the teachers and school need to be paid and supported too. If a parent chooses to have their child receive a stronger education then that's what they should do. Q19: I had to explain a few times that it was talking about him personally, not of others Q19: Feels that all people are equal Americans. No such thing as an African American here, they are in Africa, here they are just Americans. Q20: I am registered as a Repub lican but I just vote on the person, not their political party. I vote for who would get the job done. GL: gays are destroying the nation. we should fight against them. They have something wrong in their minds if they are homosexual. They should be shippe d off away from here. It is just wrong. Gays should have no rights what so ever. Q39: Well I wouldn't want a gay person working for me that's for sure. They are wrong in the head. kffdegeessr@_@eGettting decent jobs with good pay.... Getting decent jobs with good pay ffleeegNo one in particular.. Neither one of those No one in particular. Neither one of those eefihhflgeggefgjeeeeee @egfmmmfmemmmmmieefffN eI think they're all doing a rotten job..kffdefee@K@eGas prices. Gas prices eWar. War eeefffeegfehffhffegfekeeeg@fllgeeefefeefeeeigeevfffN efgfede@eewegas prices too high Gas prices too high feelffeegehiffffeggligeliwfeeg@gefgeeeffeeiileiffN eefeedfeev@egas prices not commiserate with wages Gas prices not commiserate with wages eteenage pregnancy causing problems at home, having to stay at home Teenage pregnancy causing problems at home, having to stay at home eeeeeeeefhhffffeefeefjgefivf @ffegeeeeffeeehieefggfN feeefedhee@@ŧeGas Prices are too high Gas prices are too high eWages cost of living Wages, cost of living fleffffgehifhghefegfijeeeeefffffH@fgeeeffeefhegfffN fjffdegeez@@eGas Prices Gas prices feleeelefgehhhhfikeffhifeefeee@@ggffleefegfeeiilggfiN elfedeeemm@iegas prices Gas prices flllffllfgghgffeheggffifelfx@eeeggeleeleeffhhlglhhN fffegeedhe@@eŖegas prices Gas prices etaxes Taxes flleeeefefffhegeggefeelhgeeege@eeefffeeeheefehfffN eheedegeeŰ@1@egas prices Gas prices ffeefffeggfhhhggefeefjjfefeel$@lefelffmeffmeghegfffN ekffdegee@eGas Gas ffeellfffehhffgiegggfjiehep@eeegfffffeeffeefhegjfffN eifedeha@eexeGas Gas feeefffegehhfhegjgffigefixeeeg@glllefeeeehhliggfffN eefeedgeeŔ@egas Gas fflefffflgfhhhefffffjehee@eegeefgeffffeefheeffN fehffdehee@ŞeFuel Prices Fuel prices flllfflelgellhilfegeleehefllgefl@fgffeffeefilhtfffN gifedeeeeš3@efuel prices Fuel prices feeeeefegefhffggegegekjeeeeeee`@geffgeeeffeegieetfffN eiffdeeeeň@efuel Fuel feeellflglhfghlhefeefigfeeeĞ@ellggmfgeeeffeegilghN ffegfedefea@e~~ieFinancial Problems Financial problems feeeeelffegffhhgieeffkjfeeefeeggh@feffffegehheggefffN eigfdefeeee@efinancial problems Financial problems einsurance, if you do not have a wreck, why are they holding your money. that money could be used for other expenses. I never understood what they do with your money if it is not being used for your wreck. you should get it back. Insurance. If you do not have a wreck, why are they holding your money? That money could be used for other expenses. I never understood what they do with your money if it is not being used for your wreck. You should get it back fffeellffefheheffgffgfefifef؞@fffefeefeffggifggvhffN fDifferent parts of the state are ok but others are lacking. In certain parts are behind.feeedeee}@}reFinancesFinanceseEmployemnt Employment eleffffggffhfggefeefggfeeh@feeegffgeeeffeefiegfffN elfedee@eehefederal deficit Federal deficit efederal and state gov. waste too much money and have no accountability.Federal and state government waste too much money and have no accountability leefflmlgegghiggehconservative Conservative gfggefeeeeeh@gffgeeelleelhehhfffN eifedegeells@eFamily disintegrating Family disintegrating felleeeegefgghfgegfgfhjfeeefL@eeggefgfeeffeefhehffN fejffdegfe@dmexico Mexico efalta de trabajo, discriminacionUnemployment, discrimination lelleefeeehfllefglefgegffieeeeee@@egffffffllllhffN hlledefeeœ@eeverything keeps going up Everything keeps going up egovernment can always give money to other countries but cant afford to help the social security office Government can always give money to other countries but can't afford to help the Social Security office llefffeegfhhhegefffigeeeefee@gfefgfeeegeeefiehfffN fA woman should not get an abortion if her health is at risk hfedefeerr@weenvirnoment from contamination by factory farming Environment from contamination by factory farming feeefffegghffhghegffeehif{@effggeeefffeffhhegghfN ffeegeedgeb@eŘeenergy costs Energy costs etoo much governmental control Too much governmental control elllllefgghiefgieefgfjhgfeeeffgf@ffffffegfhehgehfffN ehgedegeenn~@eEnergy Energy eIrak Iraq feefffeeghhiigkegfeehieefiffp@fgfeeefffegehhhggggfffN eigedeeee@eEmployment Employment eEducation, taxesEducation, taxesfeleeffeehifffieffefkjeeee@effggefgeeeegfehfggehffN fhgfdefU@eeeeieemployment Employment feeefffefghhffggeggfjggffeeeeg@glffeeeegeeefgghfffN ehgedefee@East Coast Germany and New Mexico. East Coast Germany and New Mexico eEducation. Education eBasic meduim famliy income. Basic medium family income feleeeffggifhfjeefgfkjfefef@eeggfefeffefeelegeggffN feQ6 As a Republican I have been disappointed. Q42 School is not the place for that to be discussed. hgfdeeee@ŃeEducation. Education eHighway improvement. Highway improvement elleeeeeehhfflkeeegfjjeeeefeefel؞@fgleeeefleegffN fflfedfeejj@eEducation. Education eHighways and Roads. Highways and roads eeefflfeggghhhfhefffjffefeeee@@ggeefefeeelheigghhfffN ejgedegeey@eEducation, the schools need to be improved. Education, the schools need to be improved. fllleeleefghhhffheefgfehfhiy@feefeeefeeeefegeehghhN ffeefeedfeb@e{{teeducation, schools Education, schools feffeeffeeffhhfhegffieefeeeeegfP@eefeffefeeeefegfffN ejeedegeehh}@eeducation, primary schools, could be better Education, primary schools, could be better feleeeefggeeeegjeeegfhgfefeeeX@eggfffefeeefeeefegfffN eieedegee@}eEducation, our school systems are ranked as some of the lowest in the country. Public schools just suck around here. Education, our school systems are ranked as some of the lowest in the country. Public schools just suck around here eAll of the construction on the highway system all over the state. All of the construction on the highway system all over the stateelleefegehhfeeheefgehegeff@}eeeegefgeeeegegeehgegffN effeedf-@eennreEducation, Huckabee is on the right road. Education, Huckabee is on the right roadeThe employment, bringing in refugees will be hard on Arkansans looking for jobs. The roads also need fixing, but we need more funds. The employment, bringing in refugees will be hard on Arkansans looking for jobs. The roads also need fixing, but we need more funds eeelleeeefffhhLocal and state Local and state iegegfjehhfeeg@gelgeeeegfeefgeghfffN ekgfdegeeffr@eeducation is behind Education is behind ehigh level proverty High level poverty feeffffeghgihgjefefijeeeefP@eegfeeeeffegflfeggg~ffN fejgfdehee%@šeeducation & lack of jobsEducation, lack of jobs ehealth care Health care eeeffflegfgffghegggfkkeeeeeffgge`@mmemeegeeefglhfffN eigfdefeew@@eEducation Education eUmemployment Unemployment eeefflefggffhifjeffgfjjeeeefee@eemmmmmmmmmmmmmefffN eI disapprove about school issueshmfdehee~~0@eEducation Education eMoral values Moral values efeeeeleehhfffjeefgekkeeee\@eeeggffgeeeffeefieefN ffeiffdeee @erreEducation Education eTaxes Taxes emmeeefeehifffiegefjggeffeeeggT@eefeeeeeehgefeglffiN eieedegee~#@eEducation Education eLack of Development industries Lack of development industries efeeefegehhfffjegegfekeeee~ee@egeefgfffegfeefgeefffN efgfedfees@sneEducation Education ePay Scale for public police, teachers, ect Pay scale for public police, teachers, etc. eefffefelfffhfhehI vote for the person not the party I vote for the person, not the party flhgefeh@feegglffeeeegfeeggegfffN eigedeg@@eeŢeEducation Education feeeffffeefffegheffgfhieeeefeef\@fffgeeeegfeeffehrfffN eieedeheeggrP@eEducation Education eHealth Care Health care felffffeghhfffkffeeekgghefԞ@ffgeeefeffefeheeegeffN fefeeedgee@r@yeEducation Education feleeeeeggffhifheefgfehgefiyfeegge@eeeffegfhhielefffN eeeeedgeenn@eEducation Education fefeeeeffehifeegeeegejeeeefee@eeffgfeeeefeefiehiffN egffdeeeeŠ@eeducation Education ehealth care Health care eeeffflemmmhigiefefjkeeeed@feeggmmmmmmmmmmimmetfN fmeQ13 I trust the public schools but they have to do a lot of things that take them away from their teaching responsibilities. There is a lot paperwork and expectations on testing and outcomes that are impossible to do and teach properly Q14 Again I'm not a gainst the schools just the mandates for the teachers. Refused to answer question about gay/lesbian, etc.; do not label self, I am just a personimfdeee@eeeducation Education fmeellflfgfffhfhefffhifefeeeeggt@ffgeeeffeefleg~fffN eGeorge Bush as president - he is doing okay iledeheew@eeducation Education ejobs Jobs eeeeeeefefffegheeegehkeeeefe@eggefgeeeffeeffeehffN ekefdegee@eeducation Education fefeeeeegeffffgieeegeikeeee@feegeffgeeeegfeefglfgffN efgfedf@eełeeducation Education epoverty Poverty eeeeeeegefheegieeegeljeeeefeegܞ@eelgeeeeeeeefglehffN efgfedfeeū@eeducation Education felleefeleffhhgkeffgfjfeeef8@eeeeefgeeeffeefiegmhfN fejffdehee@hhzeeducation Education feeefffegfeeeefhehNo preference No preference fkehieeeegee@eeeffegfhhiefhfffN eheedegeer@@eeducation Education felfeeleegefggigheelgfjifffefee@egeeffffegflfhgeggffN ehgedegee2@eeducation Education elack of income Lack of income eeleeeegeffffgheeegfhjeeee@@eeeggffgeeeeefeefieh|fN ffejffdege@ehheeducation Education feeefffeggfhihfkeffefjggefeeeeeeĞ@eefefeegfhhigfegffN eggedefeeű@eeducation Education feeeeellfllhhhhlheglgfkjfefefe @egglememeeffeemmmehffN fkmfdefee@eeducation Education fleefffeefhhhhfieffefkjeefe4@feeggeeeeelegehlglgf~fffN ejlfdeh@eeŜeeducation Education efamily finances Family finances fllllllfgeefiifkeefglikehefllft@fffgeeeffeefiegfffN fiffdegee||@eeducation Education elack of industry or jobsLack of industry or jobseeefffeegflfhfkegfflghefeeP@eeeeeefeffefeleeggg~ffN fejgedehee@zzeeducation Education ehealthcare Health care elleeefeeffeheieefflieffefeeeee؞@eefffegfhfgggegffN efgeedgeeŃ]@eeducation- public school system Education - public school systemfefeeeeegehhlffkeefgfljeeeeeee؞@ggeefeeeeffehfgeg{iffN efgfedfee@eeconomy, gas prices too high Economy, gas prices too high ffeeffffgefheegfefegfhkeefeX@feefgffgeeeegeeefiehiN ffeiffdefe@eŔeEconomy Economy feeefffefghhfhghegegeiehheeeefe@eeeeeeeefeeihgewfffN gYou don't need a law, and nobody's is to tell who lives with whom, its not the government's place hfedeeeeg@eEconomy Economy eMedical Medical meeffffgfhhffghefffghfefeeeP@effeeffeeegfgeeglhfffN hjgedehees@seEconomy Economy eIllegal aliens Illegal aliens lffffffggllhighegffgegefeh@fffffeeefffffhligghfffN ligedeg@eeooeeconomy Economy estate income tax and taxes on goods State income tax and taxes on goods leeffffggfffifjefeeelieeei{feeg@geeeeffefegfigghgffN eMilitary family egeedhee@@eeconomy Economy epoliticians can't' get along with one another. they are not for the people thay are for themselves vote themselves raises at 2 am and then cut off social security Politicians can't get along with one another. They are not for the people they are for themselves vote themselves raises at 2 a.m. and then cut off Social Security feeffffeefflhlgefefkgeeef@@llffefgeeeegeeefheh~ffN felffdehee8@Ńeeconomy Economy eeducation Education feeffffggefhhfhefffjfgheeeeeee؞@eefffegeheefgg{fffN efeeedfeeŚh@eeconomy Economy feeeeeeegeffeffheefgfhkeeeeeee|@ggffgefeffeefieh~fffN ehffdeheeŝw@eeconomy Economy ehealth care Health care eeeeeeeeeffhifheeffkkeeeep@feegeefgffeegfeefgee~fN ffeigfdehe@eşeeconomy Economy feffeeeefeefffggegegejkeheeeeggh@ffgeeeffeefheh{fffN eiffdefees@eeconomy-inflation Economy - inflation feeeffffggfffhggefegegeheeeee8@eggeeeeffeefhheffhjffN ejeedehee@~eEconomics. Economics eEducation. Education efleeelgeffgigkehInbetween a Rebublican and a Democrat. In between a Republican and a Democrat gelkeeee`@feeggefgfeeegeeefhegfffN eQ11. I don't think we should have any gun control laws. Q12. Abortion should not be allowed. Q14. I like what they were doing but I don't like how consolidation was forced down their throats. Q16. Charter schools should have the same type of guidelines as public schools. Q40. Strongly disapprove. Q39 It depends on the occupation. Q50. I have no problems with a person but I have a problem with what they are doing. iffdee@eeŤeeconomics, problems, people not being able to afford things Economics, problems, people not being able to afford things eeducation is a problem issue Education is a problem issue efeeelleggfffffkegefjgeeeeeeegT@fffffeeegfeeigehqfffN eigedeheexxrD@eEconomics Economics eJob market Job market feeffffgghhfhfhefffggfefee@fffgffgeeefffeiheeffN fehfedefee;@UK UK eeconomics Economics ffelllefeelllffieggfkjeffhfeeggl4@lmellegfmefgmhfffN ejgfdefeeŮ @eeconomic problems Economic problems ffeefffeefeefigkefefhkfeeefee,@ggefgeeeffeeiieeffiN ejffdefeeii@ueEconomic issues Economic issues eSupport of intellectual industrySupport of intellectual industryllefflleegfhehejefffhfheff{@eeeeeeeefffeffhgefggfN fffeeeedgeS@eŁeEconomic disparity Economic disparity eEducation Education elleeefgehhfffiegegfjhfeeeffffe@efgeeefeegigeghffN efgeedhee~@eeconomic depression Economic depression feeleeeegefffhgiegegfjjeeeeeed@efglfgleeegeeefiegsfffN eiffdefeew@eecomony Economy feeeeeelgghhefgkegegfljfeeeP@eeeggffgefflfeefieg{fffN ejffdefi@eetthedurgs specificly meth Drugs, specifically methehealth care for adults Health care for adults ellffffgehhhffgeffgfeeeeeezeeeg@eefgeeeegfeefgegfffN eegeedeeeşx@eDrugs. Drugs eNot enough people in church. Not enough people in church leleeeegefgfflheeffkjehefh@llggffgeeeffeefiehffN feiffdehee}@}}qeDrugs Drugs feeeeeeeeefhffegegefjifheeeeeee؞@egffeffeeiile~gffN effeedheeő0@edrugs Drugs lefeffeeggfffefhegfgfjjeeeefee@ggeegfeeegeeefiehhhffN ehffdegeeŤ@edrugs Drugs eJudges & Lawyers - I don't think they're honest Judges, lawyers - I don't think they're honest llleelllgehlellmeeeeejfeeeT@fffffffglffffeelighefN ffeiffdeee]@eŲedrug problem Drug problem feeleelffelfeehfgeffgfhkeeeeeeegf@mmgmmeffelfiehffiN fkffdeeeeŤO@eDrive too many miles to find a casino Drive too many miles to find a casino eProperty taxes and sales taxes and tax on groceries Property taxes and sales taxes and tax on groceries ffleeeffmifefgiegegeekfeehffT@ffgeefefeeffhlifggegffN eShe does not know what she is doing. She did wrong with telephone bills, less taxes on guns, money talks and the b$^$ walks. It has good ideas from the old schools only in Big States or in Little Rock or West Memphis, but Fayetteville should know there ar e better ways to get better result without making a big fuss out of it. And getting too much bad attention from the general public. And are pulling the wrong strings iefdeeee@edon't take care of elderly. Don't take care of elderly. enot tough enough on the drug problem, turned loose if rich pen if poor. Not tough enough on the drug problem: turned loose if rich, penned if poor. efeeeeefeffhhfijeegefkfhed@eeeffefgeeeeefeeeiegpfffN eiffdee@eeiimilitary all over Military - all over eDevaluation of humanlifeDevaluation of human life eLiberal politicsLiberal politicseffeeeegeffeegkeeegflkeheeeegx@effgfeeegfeefimghfffN eChristian iffdegeeŦ?@eCrime Crime ffeeffefeghhfhehefegfiieeeefL@eelgffgefeffeefheeffN fejfedefee@ŞeCrime Crime ffeeffffeefhfhfgefefijeeeefffggfl@fgeeeffeefieeffiN eiffdefeek@@ecrabby presidentCrabby presidentfeeeffeeegiilffhegggfhieeeefee@egffgeffegfeelieefffN egfedefeeţ@ecosts in arkansas is affected by louisiana Costs in Arkansas is affected by Louisiana flfeeeffflgmmmmieelgflmfheX@eeeffeffelelegglmeffN ffeimmdeee@eťeCost of living Cost of living ffeeffffegfffhghefeeelgeefeeeegeP@eeeeffegehhefgffffN ejeedegeeŅ@ecost of living Cost of living ejob oportunities and slower progress Job opportunities and slower progress eeefffeeehhfeghffegegjeeegeeО@eeeffgeeeegfeefieegffN efffedfee@eCare of us old folks. They need to do it better.Care of us old folks. They need to do it better eInterest rates Interest rates llfffflgmhhfiggefeffjeeee0@ellffffgeeefeeeghehqfffN ejffdeh@2@eeŴecan't answer that Can't answer that feeeeeeefflllllgemljeefhfeeg@gefgfffegelellleeffN lPart Indian - 1/30 second klfdeeeeh@eBush is behind everything in the nation and especially Arkansas.Bush is behind everything in the nation and especially Arkansas.eNone of our representatives represent the people, but instead they represent the political party they belong to.None of our representatives represent the people, but instead they represent the political party they belong to.fffffefemiihhghegmgleeeeee(@llglffgeefffeefieeffN feGenerally, he approved of Blanche Lincoln until just recently, because up until the last year or so, she began representing her party rather than the people. kfedegee2@űeBreakdown of the American FamilyBreakdown of the American gamilyffeeffflleeehiffefegekeeeefeegff @mmmmmffmmmmmgfffiN ekmfdeheeŗ@@ebetter jobs needed and unempoyment Better jobs needed and unemployment etraffic ( In Conway ) Traffic (In Conway ) feeffffgefffhegegfgfiifeefeee@egffgeefegfeefiee{fffN ehfedefeehhO@eavaliblity of high technology jobs Availability of high technology jobs feleeeeegehfefgkeeegejkeeee@eeeeeffgfeeegfeefieghgN ffffffedge@*@ešeArkansas needs to bring their workers up to better than minimum wages. Arkansas needs to bring their workers up to better than minimum wages eIraq WarIraq Wareeffflefgefghhfgeffgfjeeeeefffg`@efgeeeegfeefiegufffN eiffdegeeoo~@eAmount of people moving in and how fast they are coming Amount of people moving in and how fast they are coming eMiss spending of the tax money Misspending of the tax money lflffllfegfhffgheefgfifeeefeL@egleeeeflefeheemlghfffN ljmedegee@@veAIDS AIDS erise in Crime Rise in crime leeffefggfhiffgfgffejfhi @veffgeffgefeegleigigelffN eeffedh@eeeAbortionAbortioneGas prices Gas prices eeeeeeefehhfeeiegegfhkeefgfeee@eefgeeeegeeefgeggffN ehgfdeeee{{|@eabortionAbortioneeconomic problems in arkansas Economic problems in Arkansas effeeefgehhfgfjeeegejkfeeef`@eegllfgefeffeefgehffN ffigfdeheec@}}iea reality check, focus on the realities of what the world is really like instead of being 20 years behind A reality check, focus on the realities of what the world is really like instead of being 20 years behind feffeeeffeiheegjjhAmericanAmericanfieehefffegfl@ffefeeeefgigge{fffN eigedeffell@@Mexico Mexico llllefflfeeeffgffegggeejfffiwfee@eeelgllffffffelglgffN leefedgeekk@Q@china China lllllffllleffffffkhffefjghie@eeegeffellfffglgheehN fffgfedefeN@eŰllllleelleglffffffeefgfejfhefeegg$@ffgfffffefliehfffN hThere should be Bible reading in the school kffdehee{6@lfellffffeefhfffijgeflgfeei{ee@eegeefefeegfgefheehffN eIt depends on the schoolefeedfee@lleeefffmegfffhffeffffggeee @eeeflfmleefffeelglhpfffN eIt depends greatly on the conditions that would evaluate them as good foster parents, also their upbringing would determine the informant's decision. kgedeeK@eedlenot enough housing Not enough housing llleeeeggffhfghjeegfifhhfffl@eefgeeeeefeeiiehfffN eIndividual was badly abused as child and adult by mother and father and feels current sexual climate to open and dangerous for her childgfedeheeŀ@llellffflglffffgieggfikeeeef@eeggeffeeeeeeeefiehgfN feAbortion depending on the circumstances fffedhee@xlfellffeffgfffffhegefjjfeeixeeegee@ffeeefeeifiehgffN eeffedheeŢ@llefeeeeeegfffhgheeegelifffeeee\@ggeffefeegefleheefffN eifedefee@elfeffeeeeggffghfgeeegfihfefeT@feeggefgefeeeffehgehfN ffeigedefe@eťlejobs Jobs feefffffehhhffgffeffjfhgfffggP@ffgefeffgefhehfffN ejffdeheeť@llefeeeeegehhfegheeegekeeeefeP@egfffgfeeffeefiehfffN ejffdehee0@ymeI have concern for the military situation now. I have concern for the military situation now. llleeleegfghfhgheeffleehi@yeeeeellffefegfllgggegffN fegeedgu@ee}lffleffefgefffhfgjfeefeifhf}feee@gffgefeeffeeefgegffN efeeedeee<@lfefleeeegefhffggeeegeijeelefP@eeggffgeeeffeefheeffN fejffdehee@lfeeefffeeliffigfelfeehiefeeggf@egeeeeffeelgehfffN gggedeeeeş@@llefleeefgefgfflgeefgejgeeeefeeh@egefgeeeegefeehehhfffN eifedegeewI@lfeeeeeleegehhfhegelmjkehiw@eeeglelgefeffeefieeufN fffeffedge@eőlfelleeefgghhfflhegeljieheflleg@flgefefeeeiiehfffN fhfedeeeeŮ8@lleeeffffggfffhfgefefijfeeefe,@eggeeleleffeefighfffN ejffdeeeeG@llfeeffffegeeiifkefegfkjeeeeh@eeeeeefgeeeffeefiehgffN eiffdeg@eejjwllelleelleeefffhfkegggffkeffe|eeee@eefgeeeeffeefheefffN eeffedgeeŃ@lfmmeffgDon't vote Don't vote fgmfffhfgegggehefhee؞@eeggffgfffffeefiehffN fhffeedgee@ślleeeeelleflfffffhegggeikeheeeeeeex@lgeleffeefgeefffN figfdeheev@lfllleelffggfefhfgefffehgeliveee @geeeeeffegfeilflhgffN geeeedfeev0@lleeeeeeegeffffgheefgfjeeeiv @eeeegffgeeeffeifighgN fffeffedgew@eggoleDrug Problems. Drug problems eeeeeeeeelllhgieefgejkeeeeeeegg@mfgmeeffeemieefffN ehffdefeew@lleeeeeeefefffifgegglhjfeeiwee@eeeffgfeeffeefieehfffN heffedgee@mmeeeffffmghmlfghefelhgfefeT@feefgeefefeegeeefgmhfffN eigedee@ee}llelleeeeeehhfefhiefgfjgfeee}feee@gfefefeefeggegge~fffN efgeedheeű@lfeeleelfeegffllffefefjfeeef @eeggfflleeffeeliehvffN ffkffdeeee@y@|lfeelffflgfffllghehsocialist Socialist eefgfhi|eeeeee@eeeffefehheggehffN eegeedeeez@lleeeffffeefglhggeffefheheehfee(@egeffeeeelfllggeh{fffN ekgedefeex@lllllffllfegffffeghffffhgffix@feeeeeeefffffflgffgjjN ffeeeeedhe@@eűllfeeffeegeiiefhNone of government None of government jegegffeefeefffg @ffgfeeegfeeihegfffN ekfedegeeqqi@lfellllfleeiilfffefefjffeefe@egllfgleeffeeilehfffN hhlfdefee@llefeeeleegeffghgiegegejehed@eeegeefgeeelleefieefffN eiffdeh@@eedllelleeeffefffffieeegfhjfeee|eeee@efffeeeegeeefheefffN eeffedeeeŨg@lleeefffeggeffhgfegffjeeeeeD@eegfefgefeegfeefiehffN ffjffdeeee@ŅlffffffllfegfffffheggfgegelefllgglО@fllefffeelieefffN gffeedeeeű@mmelefffeggffifggffeeefefheell @egfeefffffeliighgfiN ekfedeheeff@@ilfeeleelfegllllllgeggefikehel@eeeeeffgfeeffeefieh~fN fffiffdehe@e@lleeefffeggfefefgffegehjeheeeeeg@@ffgffeffelliehfmN hlffdeeew@llelllllleggfffhfgegfefhfgfliwee@eeeeeeeffegemmihlgfffN gefeedgee@@eNational Debt National debt ePoor education Poor education fmmffmlefhmgifkmhnone of the above None of the above mmmme(@eeeffeefeffegemmmmgegmm9 ekmmde/@eeŝeeducation Education eroads. Roads effeeeefgiheigkegegfieeegfeegp@eefgffeegelfegeemf9 eI don't think the government or any other individual should have any part of what adults want to do. igedefeeh[@@mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm@@mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm9 mmlmmdeee@@|eEconomy Economy fllleefffeffhffgegffggeeee|feefff@egffleefiehhff2 eefeedgee@eworking force Working force eincrease in wages Increase in wages eeefffffeffhfegffeefekeeehfllD@gglfgfeeffeefiefmeffjffdehee"@eWe need to accept diversity as much as possible, it is not going to stop. We need to accept diversity as much as possible, it is not going to stop. eWe don't always have enough facilities for the seniors that we have because they are living longer. We don't always have enough facilities for the seniors that we have because they are living longer. eelllefeggghheijgefgjfhh4@fllegelgfffegfflfheeefeReligious preference was non-denominational, Protestant and Jewish. jffdegeS@ejjseveral Several eway state government spends the money and allocates it out, a lot of people need help and don't get it from the state and state representatives are blowing money and not really doing anything for Arkansas The way state government spends the money and allocates it out, a lot of people need help and don't get it from the state and state representatives are blowing money and not really doing anything for Arkansaseschools being closed and consolidated so towns die out after that Schools being closed and consolidated so towns die out after that eelffllfegfhhhfhegegfgigefgeeeff<@effeeeeefeefgegefejgedeeeeŬ@b@eutilities Utilities ewar War leeffffgmehlglgefelfjfeehfe4@egglfgeeeeeeellilgefejffdeeee@eunemployment & good jobsUnemployment, good jobs feeeeeeeeeelmffgeeegfgkeflh @feegglfgleeeefeefileefekffde@efweUnemployment Unemployment feeeffffeghhhfehegfgfjhfefiweffg@gefefffeefgeegeedeeŶ@etrying to live, not having enough money, can't hardly make it Trying to live, not having enough money, can't hardly make it efixed income, social security, not going up but prices are, medicine and everything else, gas prices Fixed income, Social Security, not going up but prices are, medicine and everything else, gas prices eeefffeegeehiffffegfegfeehe @eeffefgeeeffeeihehefekfedeeegd@mmMexico Mexico etrabajo Trabajo fellffeeellflhlegflfgghffefffeef@eelffllfeedeeʼn@eToo many foriengners coming in. They get free medical and if you are american you don't get any rights as all. Too many foreigners coming in. They get free medical and if you are American you don't get any rights as all eGas and taxes. Gas and taxes fffffgI don't vote anymore. I don't vote anymore fggigffefegffeeeiieff@fgffeefeefeeeefehefhQ11. If criminals want to get the guns, they are going to get them. Q12. I don't believe in abortion. Q39 It will confuse a child. geedefeeŜ@eToo high taxes Too high taxes eWasteful government, they just kind of throw money away. Thinks they ought to a have a team of people to audit or keep track of government checks. Fraud, abuse. Wasteful government, they just kind of throw money away. Thinks they ought to have a team of people to audit or keep track of government checks. Fraud, abuse. eeleeefglhhffgieefgflgfefgt@feeggefgefelemmlmeeefeimedefe@e|eThe war, terrible The war, terrible feeefffllffflhghefeeehehihfllgg@eegelfelfllillg{efekledefeeű@eThe war The war ePrices are too high and what we owe Prices are too high and what we owe eeeffffeeffihgeffefeifeehfe @eggeegefeffeefhggefekfedeeee@@ethe war The war ffeeffffemfffffhefefjgeeg@feeggef@fefeegfmeffegefelefdee@eessethe most important problemn is the economy The most important problem is the economy esexism that effects women being abused and given equal opportunity Sexism that effects women being abused and given equal opportunity eeefffeegffiigkefefhjeefhfeegL@geefefeegfgghgegrefejgfdehee~@@ethe importance of an education The importance of an education ffelffffggfffigkeggfijfeegf@eeegelgefeegeeefgegefehgfdeeee@}eThe gas and utility The gas and utility feleeefeegefffeiffegejeeeifeegffH@egfeelfeefiegefejffdeeee@@ethe education system The education system eillegal aliens, to me that is not a problem but it possibly is since there are so many hispanics. they should not be here illegally. Illegal aliens, to me that is not a problem but it possibly is since there are so many Hispanics. They should not be here illegally effeeeeeehhffhall 3 need to work on itAll three need to work on it keeegejeeehfee@@fgffgeeeffeefigeefelffdegee@eThe economy is pretty tough everywhere. Prices are going up. The economy is pretty tough everywhere. Prices are going up ffeeffffggflfhghefeefgjeeeg<@feeffefmemeffeefgegefejgfdefeJ@e||weThe don't seem to give a darn, or keep care of their roads. Littering, education. The don't seem to give a darn, or keep care of their roads. Littering, education. fefeffelleghfhgheeegfhjfefhfeegg@ffgeeeffeefilhefelffdefeeppv@ethat people dont agnoledg God's word. That people don't acknowledge God's wordecrime, disorder in schools Crime, disorder in schools elleeeeeehgfeggegggekeeeeffl@feeffgffeffeeliehefhiffdeheeg@geTaxes Taxes eJobs Jobs feefffffgffhiggegffhffeegl@effgfeffeeeffeehiee~efeifedeh@eeŰetaxes Taxes eimprove wages Improve wages feellffgghhlfgfefeffkeeehfllg$@fffgeefffeefiehfefeBlanch Lincoln could be more available to her constituents; R gives a 7 to Mark Pryor; 50/50 for Bush kffdeheeŜC@etaxes Taxes einsurance Insurance feeeeefggffeegieggfijfefgft@eeegeeeeffegeheeegeefeiefdeeee@ůesurviving Surviving fellllllffllffffgefelejfeegellelf(@leffeffeflllg~efeklfdeheeŶ\@eStop the Mexicans from taking over our country. We shouldnt have anything except the American flag hanging. Stop the Mexicans from taking over our country. We shouldn't have anything except the American flag hanging eI don't like the gays and homosexuals.. that's not scriptual. I don't like the gays and homosexuals. That's not scriptural llllllllfmiilhleigglkfeehfff @gfefgfefffeefieheffkffdefee@esocial sercurity and employment Social Security and employment emedicare part D Medicare part D fefffffgghhehfiefefhkeeehH@feeggeefefmegehlelegefeQ42 - Should not define marriage at all jlfdefe@eeSocial Security Social Security eMedical Care keeping up with all the older people that keep coming and getting older Medical care keeping up with all the older people that keep coming and getting older eeefffegefhlhfhelfefhhfeefe@ffleeeegflllllgefekledeheeŲU@eSocial Security Social Security eMoney-wise in the whole United States is getting to be a problem--spending so much. Money-wise in the whole United States is getting to be a problem - spending so much fleffffeehlihfgeflgfgjeeehfl@lffffgffeffeeflegefeklfdeeee@~esocial security Social Security emeth labs Meth labs eeeffffggfefifhifffgeghg@~eeeggeefeffegegeegeeefffgeedg;@egwwoeSocial Social eHighways, roads Highways, roads eeefffeegfffefhffefhjehi}efff@eeeeegfffedeezzuL@eSocail Security Social Security eIllegal Aliens Illegal aliens efeeeeegehheegfeeegefgeeege@fffgffgfeelfeefiehhefeAny approval he does not hold for any communist sympatizer, local knows better about local cues gfedegee@ůesenior citizens that are on lower fixed income Senior citizens that are on lower fixed income eeveryone holding position in an office should be held accountable Everyone holding position in an office should be held accountable feefflfffehhffggeggfggfhhfeegfe(@fgefeffeefhegefekfedefeeűP@eSenior citizen help in all ways Senior citizen help in all ways flllffflgglllhlhefelfgeeehfff @ffefgeeeegfeeeigetefekfedeeeeųz@eSchools.Schools fleeffffeglhhhegeffefgkeeeh@fllfgefgefeefeeelfgeefekefdefe@eŰeschool issue School issue feeeffffgeffhhfhefefgkeeehfeegg$@eegeeeeefeeehleefekffdeheeţ@eSALARIESSalariesfefeffffflefffggffffhheeegefX@fggffgfeeffeegiehefeifedeeeeI@eroad ways, highways Roadways, highways fefleeeegefffhfhehLiberitarian Libertarian gfhieeeg@eeeggffglfeffeefheetefegfedee@fehhArgentina Argentina eresources Resources flllmmfllgllllllgfefhffeeefeee@@eeelfemeffeemgeehefglgedegegggio@eraising taxes too high Raising taxes too high ffllffffgeifflfheeflhfeeeeL@llfejedeeg@eracial issues Racial issues emore jobs, better payingMore jobs, better payingellffflegfflgghmlfjfhefllgge|@elhfdeeeż@eQ3 Too little manufacturing employers. Too little manufacturing employers eQ4 We rely too much on only one thing, maybe agriculture. We rely too much on only one thing, maybe agriculture lllffffegflhhfhefefhjeefhfee@gglfgeeeegfelfgeeefflgfdefeg~@eQ3 Racism Racism feeefffefghffifjfgffeeeeef~@effegfffffeede@@ellieQ3 Poverty Poverty eQ4 Health insurance Health insuranceeeeeeefeefeffghehQ20 Votes for the best candidate. Votes for the best candidate gffjeeegfeegg@@fegfeeeefeefmehefejmfdeeee@eQ3 Low wages. Low wages feeefffefgfffhfeegfgffefeegee,@eggefgelelfeefhghefejfedefeex@x~eQ3 Lack of education. Lack of education eQ4 Lack of good roads. Lack of good roads eeeffffggfflhgjefeefhfhefgH@elleeeefeflegellegghoefejgedee<@eeŕeq3 Jobs. Jobs eQ4 Better health care. Better health care eeeeefeeffffffheggefijehgfeee@eefgeeeeeeeefighfeffhffdeheellr@eQ3 JobsJobs flllffffllhlligheffffehiieĞ@llgeefgeeeegleeilegoefhgledeeee@ppweQ3 Economy. Economy eQ4 Education Education eeeffeeeehiffghfggfhjehixfffeee@fgffeegfeeiheeefeeffedfee@eQ3 Dysfunctional families. Dysfunctional families eQ4 Poverty Poverty lffffgQ9 Would like to see a woman or black in the white house. Would like to see a woman or black in the White House fefhfhhhQ17 Individual choice. Individual choice hjffeffeeeliell@fgeeeefflelgiggeefeggedeeeeŵ@eQ3 Don't earn enough money for the work they do in Arkansas. Don't earn enough money for the work they do in Arkansas. feeleeeflmlllhleegegffhfeeh@feeggllgfleffellglgefgkgedegei@eŞeProblems with lack of good paying jobs Problems with lack of good paying jobs eProblems with education Problems with education feeffffggefhhljefefiifeegfeefgl@effeeeegeffefgeefeieedeheeeeiM@eProbably financial problems. The minimum wages are less than in California. Probably financial problems. The minimum wages are less than in California. flllffffgeffhhfgeffgegeeefgee@eeeffgfeeffeefiegefggfedeeeez@A@z{eprice of gasoline Price of gasoline feeeffffegffhfghegffgegelg\@feeggeeeeffegehehgleefeQ118- As long as it is only in Jr. High or High Schools Q156- And the media option Q131- They deserve to be treated like anyone else igedee@@eeńepoverty Poverty felleefefeeehigiegffjgehifeeeԞ@eeeeeffefeeeefggefefeeedeeemm{@ePolitical arena Political arena epeople given more opportunity People given more opportunity fllffgI don't vote; ever I don't vote; ever feeiifhehehi will not participate in politics. I will not participate in politics gegeeeehfP@llgfffgeffffeeflehiefhjledegeeQ@ūePeople can't get a job or just won't work, people aren't working much anymore People can't get a job or just won't work, people aren't working much anymore felefflfeglhgefggegegfejeeehfeefge8@fgeeeegeeefgegeffjgfdeheeh@@eoureconomics,the gasoline,the drugs Our economics, the gasoline, the drugs flelfffflmihllfeelgeeghhfff@ffefglfeffeelllgtefhkledeeeexx@seOur President Our President eMutual funds control being taken over by the government.Mutual funds control being taken over by the government feefffffgeffifhegffhheeei@eeefgffgeleegeeefieh}efehfedeee@e{enot enough national recognition Not enough national recognition ffeefffffgefeiegeffffehii{eeefe@eeefeefehhifgeefeeeeedgeeŶ@eNot enough jobs.Not enough jobs eToo many to of right now. Too many to of right now. feeffffleflhggfefeeffeehhfe @efgflglfffeeefiegefeQ28. Disabled. Cannot attend religious services.kfedehee@~eNot enough funds to make the schools the way they should be. It's not a priority to the legislature to find solutions. They need to pass the lottery in this state and let it support our school districts to bring in more funds. Not enough funds to make the schools the way they should be. It's not a priority to the legislature to find solutions. They need to pass the lottery in this state and let it support our school districts to bring in more funds eWe need better medical care and dentistry, not enough help for lower income people. We need better medical care and dentistry, not enough help for lower income people eelfffefefhhihCombination of state and local. Combination of state and local. hefeffhfeegH@feeggefgefeegfeefieeefejfedee@eeteNo health care No health care eNot paying teachers enough Not paying teachers enough effeeefgeihfegkeeegehjeeeifeeg@gffgeeeegfegffeggeiehefdeeeeż$@eNeed strong leadership. Need strong leadership. leeeeellfegeffifiegegegkeeehf@eeglefgeeelleleiegefelffdegee@Ũeneed more jobs for people able to work Need more jobs for people able to work feeefffeegffffefffeefjfhhfeeegfD@fgfeeegegeflegefejlfdeheeżh@eNeed more better jobs.. Need more better jobs eFuel costs should go down.I dont think that anyone can do anything about it but they should.. Fuel costs should go down. I don't think that anyone can do anything about it but they should feefffegffhlhlfeggffkeeeheee@ggffgeeeegeeelhegzefeWe need more industry here but we've never let it come in . Cause we're more of an agriculture state.. lffdeheed@iemosquitoes Mosquitoes flllfffleffghifheffefgehig\@feegflefeeeffmfiggetefeigedeeev@eeMore high-paying jobs More high-paying jobs eI love Arkansas. I can't think of nuthin' much.I love Arkansas. I can't think of nothing much. lelffffgghhlhghefefiefelheeeef\@eegeeeegeeeghgheffifedegeeŬ[@eMedicine + Health care Medicine + Health care ffeeffffeehifhfgefegfhjeeehfe4@eegffgeeeffeefhegefejffdegeef@@femedical and presciprtion drug covsts Medical and prescription drug costs ehospitals Hospitals eeleefeegffffehffegfjeeei@feeflllgeeeffeefiegeffgffdee@@eehemaybe the politically stuff Maybe the politically stuff eI'm a methodist - mixed marriages- get arkansas to believe in that- i don't believe I'm a Methodist - mixed marriages - get Arkansas to believe in that - I don't believe eeeeeeffeeehihidon't think they should boss the schools- i don't think that they should I don't think they should boss the schools - I don't think that they should fefffkfhhfeeg4@glfgeeeffeelimheefeLet the school district take care of its own school jffdeeeeggr@eLow wages. Low wages eQ4--Poverty Poverty eelfffelgeffhfhfffffjeefgf4@eeggefeffffeheegfeefejgfdegee@ūelow wages Low wages lelleeelgleelflfeeelejeelhflllll8@lllleffeellmgefejlfdefeenn@elow wages Low wages epoor road conditions Poor road conditions elleeeegefffffheeegfgkeeegfee,@efffgeeeffeefiehuefejffdegeenn@ielow payroll Low payroll eArk. not enough recognition Arkansas - not enough recognition eeeffffegllhilgefefgieeehP@feeegeeeefeegfllfgehefejgedege@ereLack of things to do for the youth Lack of things to do for the youth eNo lottery system no gambling No lottery system, no gambling effeeefgefffiggeeegeijefehfeeeed@efgfeeffeefeehefeiefdeheejj{@elack of jobs Lack of jobs eto have better jobs To have better jobs flefffffeefeiggefegfjfeehfh@eggffeeffefeeefgehefekgfdeheen@elack of jobs Lack of jobs ffeeffffegffhhfhefefejeefh @fffggffgeeeffeefighefekffdehm@eeŒelack of growth Lack of growth ffeeffffgggffffgeffflieeeieeee@effglfeegfeefieeveffhfedeeeeia@elack of education Lack of education ebetter paying jobs Better paying jobs eeeeelfeglhilfgheggfkjeeehf@eeegelfeleegfllhglfefekgfdehee@ŝeJudges are too leinient Judges are too lenient edrugs Drugs eeeffleegfhhffgieggeeieehhfeeggfp@fgeeeeeeeefhehefeifedeeeeŵ@ @ejobs. too many people on welfare. Jobs. Too many people on welfare feeeffffgefffhgfefeffefhhfee@egefgeeeegeeeghegefekfedeheed@jeJobs Jobs felleeffegfffefkeeffjehheĞ@eeeeeeefefffehheggfeffggedefe@eejobs Jobs eeducation Education feeffffefhiiighefeefejeeehfffgg8@eefeffeeehlefggemejefdegeeś@eIt's torture. It's torture. eMike Huckabee, gay rights, there doesn't seem to be anything to keep young people in the state. Mike Huckabee, gay rights, there doesn't seem to be anything to keep young people in the state. fflffffelflfhhNone of the above None of the above hefeeeieeefiemx@meeeeefffeelhheefgeeeieedeeee@reIt's ideal. I love Arkansas. It's ideal. I love Arkansas. feeefffegfeflffgefefejfefh@feeggeeeefeffglehggpefelffdee@eeŲeimmorality Immorality etaxes Taxes felffflggfglhgheffgegkeeehfeeg@eefgeeeefeeefhegeffkffdeheepp~:@eIgnorance Ignorance eThere are expectations in the political system down here. There are expectations in the political system down here. flfeeeffgihhighjgggfiehhge@ffeeffgefefeeeigegefe All of these factors have had an equal impact on his view of sexual relations between two adults of the same sex. hgedefee@Œei would say the gas prices. I would say the gas prices ei would say the schools. bigger schools, and kids have to go to smaller school so they can do more activities, and its cheaper. build more schools. I would say the schools. Bigger schools and kids have to go to smaller school so they can do more activities, and its cheaper. Build more schools eeffffffefhhfgfefffggfhgefffee@efeeeefeeefiegeffhfedegeeŮ@eI suppose the need to make sure our kids are properly educated. I suppose the need to make sure our kids are properly educated feeeeeeeeghhehfkeeffjifefheee,@ggfffeeeegefeihee~efejfedeheeŮ6@eI just thought jobs. I just thought jobs. eWell, of course, jobs entails education, and people work away from their homes. And, with the gasoline costs, that's really a problem. And, to fill up a car costs at least $40.Well, of course, jobs entails education, and people work away from their homes. And, with the gasoline costs, that's really a problem. And, to fill up a car costs at least $40.fllfffeegfffhhI don't think any of them are doing a good job. I don't think any of them are doing a good job. iefefhifeeh,@feeggeffefeeefelegegefejgedeee/@eşeI have would have to put the number one thing is the economy. I have would have to put the number one thing is the economy. eA disaster team for the state of Arkansas in case of an emergency, better planning on the part of emergency planning. A disaster team for the state of Arkansas in case of an emergency, better planning on the part of emergency planning. eeefffegghhfhgkegfgfhhfeegeffffh@efefefegeeeehehefeifedeheeŲ@@eI guess maybe employment. I guess maybe employmenteWell, drugs. The methamphetamine is really getting a lot around Hot Springs. I guess it's universal. Well, drugs. The methamphetamine is really getting a lot around Hot Springs. I guess it's universal eeeeeelmlffgifiegefhgfeehfe@eggfffefffemlefle~efekeedeheeO@eHunger Hunger eThings like in the court and stuff like that. Crime is a big issue. Gotten worse. Housing. Things like in the court and stuff like that. Crime is a big issue. Gotten worse. Housing. llellllfggiighghehsomething else Something else gfklhg@eeeglffgeeeffeeiimhnefegffdeh@eeţeHigh taxes. High prices.High taxes. High prices.feefeeeefghhffghegeffifeegeeeeX@glfgefefeeeegehefeigedeheeŧ@eHigh Taxes High taxes feffeegAnother Republican Another Republican ffeffffgkeeegehgfefheH@eeggffgefeegfeefllefefejledehee@Q2All over the country All over the country eHigh paying jobs. High paying jobseQuit running the schools from the courts. Quit running the schools from the courtsefeeeeegehhlegmmhQ20Conservative Conservative gfmmmheeemlf,@ffeeeeeflmhmeeemeQ45 All of the above. jmmdefee||@ehigh gas prices High gas prices edrugs are bad Drugs are bad eeeffffeehhhffhefegfgkeffhfllL@geffgeeeeefeefgegefejgfdeeeŖ@ehealthcare Health care ffeeffffegiieigiefeefgkeefg@ffffeeeeeffegehheeggiefehefdege@eŪehealth care Health care edrugs Drugs eeeeeelgeffeeggeeegfkjeeehfeeeg<@flflleegfeeffegefejefdeeeer@ehealth care Health care eeducation Education eeeffelegfhfggheggfhfefmfe@@eggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmlmedeees;@siehealth care Health care epay scale, wages too lowPay scale, wages too lowfelfffeeghhgffhefefgggffit@feeffeefefeefeheefghleieieedeg1@eeoverseas in military Overseas in military ehaving enough money to live Having enough money to live ecrime Crime eefffeeeffhfifheggeffieeegfeef|@geeeeffeeehheggehefehgedegeepp@egetting more children graduating from high school and going on to schoolGetting more children graduating from high school and going on to schoolfeelffelggfegffhegggfhjfeehfT@eegfeeleleffeeghegefeiffdegeef@Ųeget out of Irac Get out of Iraq feeeeefeleeelflgegglfkeeehfeegge@fgeeeffgefgegeffkgfdefee0@The Carribean. The Caribbean eGasoline prices.Gasoline prices feeefffeegeffefkffegfggfeegeeeL@egfefefeffeeiggeefejgedefeexx@weGas prices right now. Gas prices right now. leffeeeefehffhggeeffhkehi@eeeeeffgfeeffeefieeefehffdefe@{@e}}negas prices for car and home heating Gas prices for car and home heating eroad improvementRoad improvementlllffmeeemmlffgegmglgjfhgfeeelP@efgeeeffeefhehefgjffdefegt@eGas Prices Gas prices flllffllllefhlllfklfekehefld@legifdeee~@~egas prices Gas prices eneed better rural roads Need better rural roads efeeeefgeeffefheeegfgifefhP@eeegfefgeeeegfeefgehheffR says It's hard to say in these times... but if he had to say he guesses he approves jgedegh@eexegang voilence Gang violence eEverything. Take guns away from idiots and Arkansas will get better.. Everything. Take guns away from idiots and Arkansas will get better eeefffeeeigigegjeegfkhgeeixelle@efeeefefeeefhlfefeefeedeeŠ@efunding of public education Funding of public education ecare for the environmentCare for the environmentllefffleffgfifkefeeejjfefied@eeggeeefffefehheegeteeeiefdeeee@efinancial Financial epolice dept.'s lack of enforcing their job descriptions.Police department's lack of enforcing their job descriptions fflffefeeiihhggeffgfejeeegfllggl@fgeeeffeefieesefehffdefeeŴ@eFinancesFinancesffeeffffeeihffggefeffjfeehfee@gfeelefeefeeehiggzeffkffdeheexx@ieEverything seems good Everything seems good flllfflllgfeflhgheggglfjeefh@eeegfffgfeeffeeeilfeffkffdehe@eŭeEnviornment it needs to be improved Environment it needs to be improved fellllllegefffflgellekfeehfllgg0@ffgeeeffllliehehdonno Don't know eThey don't need to be pushing at all.. jffdefee@all other the world, mostly in USA All other the world, mostly in USA eEnergy prices Energy prices emedical expensesMedical expenseseelfffegeffllfheggfgjeelhfe$@efgelleleffeefglhgefeLaws they have now and enforce them, it would be enough. But assault weapons should not be available for general public none of them are doing good. Gov. Huckabee did to try to encourage people to get healthier, was commendable kgfdeeeex@xieenergy cost Energy costs ehigh taxes High taxes flmffefgffhhifheeefhegefg@ffffgeeeeffegfleefgguefeheedeg@eeżeEmployment is low in relation to other states Employment is low in relation to other states eWeather--drought is causing problems. Weather - drought is causing problems eeleellegeemfheimffgehjfeeheeeg@efmgfeeffeefiggefflffdehee~@eemployment Employment feeefffeeehgieghfgfgfijehi~e@eegeffgefeegfehfgegefhfgfedfee@kkgeEducation, the schools need more funding. Education, the schools need more fundingfeeeffffegffhifkegffhfheehfeeggfD@leefeffheigggefejgedeheeŢE@eeducation of our children Education of our children epoverty Poverty feeffffffhhghfhefeefijeefhfff\@ffefgefeegffffgehefeigfdeeeeŲ@@eeducation and disemployment Education and disemployment ffeeeeffggfglifhefffjgfefh@fffggeffeefegfhgegleefekgedefe@errUSA, All around, no specific location. USA, All around, no specific location eEducation Education flelfffleeiieffjiffeegihhgfeeegh@eeeeffefehheeghefeieedegeeźf@eEducation Education ePoverty, we have areas in Arkansas that are much below the poverty level. Poverty, we have areas in Arkansas that are much below the poverty level. feeffgI do not have a viable candidate in mind right now. I do not have a viable candidate in mind right now. fgefgghggefffgkfeehfe@efgefffffegeeegilhoefelffdeeee@eEducation Education feleeeeeggfggffiegegfgjgeegl@eeeggemgeeeefeeelgehpefeigfdee@(@ee||geEducation Education feeeeegRockfeller Rockefeller egefffhfgehVote for the person that best fits the positionVote for the person that best fits the position gfgfhefeeg\@lmmmmmmmmmmmmmeeffimedegeeiir@eEducation Education meeeffmeegfffffkegefgigefie|@eegeeffeeeffeefgeg{efehgedefee5@Italy Italy eeducation Education elow wages Low wages eleeegAnother one Another one fggfffheheeffijfefhfeeggeP@ffffeffhhileeefejlfdefeet&@eeducation Education fffeffffemhgfifiefeefjifeehfff@@ggeeeefmefehheege~efeQ12 Believes that a woman should have the right of choice, however, that abortions should not be used for birth control Q42 Doesn't care either way jeedeheeŰ,@eeducation Education emedicareMedicarefeeffffgfhfhighefegfjjfeeh$@fllggffgmmefefemmmhehnon-sexual no sexuality at her age Non-sexual - no sexuality at her age ekmfdeee@eţeeducation Education ehealth insuranceHealth insurancefeeffffggeeefgiefefjjeeehfeeggX@eeffeeegelegfggyeffiefdeheeŖ@eeducation Education edrugs Drugs ellffeeggfffhgieeffjieeegfe@eegeeffflegemlefgfefeheedefee@@eeducation Education esocial security Social Security fffffefeehhffegeefgfhjeeeg@fllggffgffeffeeghegefekffdee @eeůeeducation Education eunemployment Unemployment eeeffeeeghifffiefffgkfeehfeef(@feefefeegfeehgehefekgfdeeeeţm@eeducation Education etax reform Tax reform eeleeflfgfhlhfhegegfgfefgfX@eeglellelfeeehlegleefeigedefeeu@ťeeducation Education erural heathcare Rural health care feeffffegfflhfhefffigeeehfeeeelP@fgeeeegflemgeeefejgedefeey@eeducation Education felleeeegegggfgheefgfekheeiyeee@geefgefeegfggfiegheffeffedgeeŹ@'@eeducating citizens in general Educating citizens in general ffeeffffglfghhfeefeeekeefh@feeggmmmmmmmmmmmmmhefeFeels that abortions are wrong, period. On Social Security lmfdehe@e@eEconomy Economy eunemployment Unemployment eeeeeelgmfhhhghehpractical Practical liieemgeeefg@@efmefeegeeeigmeefelgedeeeŢ5@eEconomy Economy eEducation Education effeeefgehhfffkegegfikeeehfe\@eggeegeffegfeffgegefeigfdeeee@eeconomy Economy leeemmfmgefggggfmffeffefeeh@fllggelgelllleeliggeffQ28. Respondent is handicapped and cannot attend religious services, but wishes she could. lfedee@eešeEconomics. Everythings going up except the income. Prescription drugs, food, fuel, and utilities prices keep going up and the income is not. Economics. Everything's going up except the income. Prescription drugs, food, fuel, and utilities prices keep going up and the income is not ffeeffffggihheghefeefggehhffff`@geffeefefeglhgeeefeigedefeeœ@eeconomics Economics etaxes Taxes felffffegfgfhfgffefhjehgf@eeeeeegffeegfgeigeeefehgfdeeeeE@@eeconomics Economics eNeeds to bring standard of living up. Needs to bring standard of living up eeeeeeeeefghfeheeegfgfeehfeeeef@@fgffeffeefiegeielfedeeeooh_@eECONOMIC TROUBLES, BECAUSE OF THE HIGH GAS PRICES AND PEOPLE BEING OUT OF JOBS. Economic troubles, because of the high gas prices and people being out of jobs eI'M A DISABLED VETERAN. THERE'S ONE OTHER ISSUE, THE HIGH INTEREST - FOR CREDIT CARDS - INTEREST RATES -BECAUSE OF THE WAY THE CREDIT SYSTEM IS WORKING TODAY, CAUSING BANKRUPTCY. I'm a disabled veteran. There's one other issue, the high interest - for credit cards -interest rates - because of the way the credit system is working today, causing bankruptcy. efefffeegfflfghegffgjehgfee@feelleflffeefggeieffggfdegeejj@ueeconomic development, would like to see more people have economic opportunities without changing Arkansas and the basic nature of the people in it Economic development, would like to see more people have economic opportunities without changing Arkansas and the basic nature of the people in it ffffffffgghhfifjifffhighg`@eeeefeefefeegehheggglefeigedegeZ@emmediscrimination Discrimination ediscrimination against gay people Discrimination against gay people felffggreen party Green Party fefghgeghiffeefighgefffe@eeeeffefeheleeheeeheedegeesso@ecrime rate Crime rate epollution Pollution eefffflegiieefgffegefgeeei}ee@egeeegefeffeefigfefeffeedhee@eCrime Crime eThe politics they talk about it and don't get anyting done. Arkansas is a poor state and it is getting worse. The politics they talk about it and don't get anything done. Arkansas is a poor state and it is getting worse. flelllfelehhfhfheflfihfhg@@feeggefgeeeffeeiiehefejfedeh@eeŠecrime Crime edrugs Drugs fflfffelelgmffhffeljehiflled@efmgfmmlfmmmlleveffilfdeeeexx@ecrime Crime feeefffflefffffeefelgifeehf @eeeglfgeeeffeelheeheffkfedegee@ecrime Crime ehunger in Arkansas Hunger in Arkansas eeeffleeeehghfgjegegfhkeeehfeefgf @fgefefeelfiegefekffdeeeeŪ@ecrime Crime flllmmfleleflllgffegffeeehfee<@ggllleflffeelflgefejeedeheef@eCrime- small town but seem to have a lot of small crimes- burglaries, some shootings but not too many Crime - small town but seem to have a lot of small crimes - burglaries, some shootings but not too many ehealth is uppermost in my mind at my age, but we have a good hospital in our little town and the doctors are usually on call. Health is uppermost in my mind at my age, but we have a good hospital in our little town and the doctors are usually on call. elellfffghflhfhefeffefefh@feeggeffefefflliglhefeThink that they should go to public schools lgedege@@eŭecan't answer Can't answer ecan't answer that Can't answer that eflffgneither one Neither one fleglhlleegglejfhhfeeeg0@efefefffeelleehefgjlfdegeeŖ@ebush Bush felfffffefiflfllefegfijfhgff@fffeeeefeffeelilgeffhffdeeee@eBetter EducationBetter educationffeeffffegeegfgiefefgkeeehH@feeggefgfeeffelfgefefejgfdehx@eehea plenty good place A plenty good place feeemmlllgelhellgeelleeeehfllg@gellmmmemmmmmmlgeemhIt depends on who runs against him kmedeeeeŪ@E@ea governor that don't want people gambling in Arkansas; he'd rather they go over to OK A governor that don't want people gambling in Arkansas; he'd rather they go over to Oklahoma etaxes are too high Taxes are too high flfeeefgehhhhggegggegjeeehe<@ffggffgeeeffeefiegefejffdeeeeJ@mititary, moved alot Military, moved a lot llelleeleegeffffgiegegfhjeeeifeeeee@lgeeeffeefglgrefeggfdehfeff@@mexico Mexico lllllllllllelleeeiglgfeegffi{ell@eeeelffefffflgleefhegeedeegg&@I have been travelling. I have been traveling llllleelllgllllfghillkeeeeg@effgeelgelefflefllheflgledehe_@eŧlflllfflllgefffhleefllejfeehfffgfH@ffgleefeeefiegefljffdeeeeŵ@lfffeeeeffeiilelgeeegegkfffhfe@eegefgefeffeefileefekffdeeee@dilfllleelllggfflfggeeefkeeee0@feeggeefefeffeefleglefejlfdeg@eejjfleHealth issues. Health issues eeeeeeelegfhhgheglgfhjfhgfeeg@eefgeeeffeeeieh{efehffdefeeŪ@llfeeffffeghhhhfgefffefeeehf<@llfgeelfffffeegiggefejfedefee@xxlleeleeeegehllfgkegegffkfefgeeeggf<@fgfeeffeefiegiefejffdegeeŨ,@lfflleeeegeiifhlhegegegjeeehfffD@gflfglfefeeefmegefejmfdeheeŴ`@lfeeeffflegillffheffefgfhh@feeglffglleffeeflmeefekledefe@eŞlleeeffeefehfhifgfeefgjfeehfeeggl@fefffeffhffiehseffiffdefeexxJ@lfllefflllgllhlegiegffgjfffhfl@lfgeeleelegellegggefelgfdehee@@lfeleeeeeggfefffefeeljllh@feefeeemeeeffhglhleelllffde@@eeqqlfellfflllggfhhhfeehQ20 Do not vote. Do not vote fehfhgfeeeX@gffgefeflgllieheefgifedeeee}A@lfeeeffflgefffflifggfiiehi}f@eeeeffgeeeeeemmefeeefefeeedfee@@xxlllllffflegffggfjeffeeiflhgeffggex@eeeefegehhegggeffigedeheeź;@lethe war going on right now The war going on right now feeffffeghffiggefeffigeehfee@ggeeeeflffgellgguefelledegeeggc@llellffflfelllhfgefefjfeehH@feeggeeefeefflllfegefljefdeee{@eŗlfellllleeefffffghfgggfigeeeifeeee@ffgeeeegeeegilgteffhfedeeeet~@lleleeeeeeeeflffeegegfhjeflhfe@egglllllllllllllggefellfdeeeep@polleeefffegllffhgfefflfjfle@@eeegeefleeeeefeeliegeffjffdeh@@efųllleeeelleglefefgekfegfeeeegeeeg@geeeeffleefkede