Resource Links
National Alliance to End Homelessness is a comprehensive resource-rich website with data and reports covering topics from rural homelessness to the mental and physical health issues facing today's homeless population.  The website is both policy and research-focused; great resource for both researchers and those delivering services.
Homeless Resource Center is a SAMHSA-sponsored website that highlights both comprehensive research reports and ongoing community-focused work that addresses the complex needs and problems of the homeless.
American Community Survey is a census-sponsored survey designed to full in information gaps regarding the nation's population and general community shifts taking place between the national decennial census years.
The Census Bureau is the primary population data collection agency in the United States.  Their website is a comprehensive resource that makes a wide-range of data and reports on population, housing, business and industry available to the general public.  This is a great secondary data resource for examining population and community issues.
National Association of Counties is a website that offers both data and general information on counties throughout the United States.  The website has both interactive data search and mapping capabilities.
The Saguaro Seminar:  Social Capital in America website is designed to introduce and familiarize the general public to the critical questions and issues related to the development and application(s) of social capital in contemporary society.  The website is part of a larger project that focuses on expanding what we know about our levels of trust and community engagement and on developing strategies and efforts to increase this engagement among all types and members of communities across the United States.
The National Institute of Health is our nation's central coordinating health agency and their website is filled with resources that are useful to both researchers and those working in the health and health-care delivery field.  Their website provides important grant information and assistance; important jumping-off site for other community and family health-related websites.
The Community Indicators Consortium (CIC) is an active learning network and community of practice among persons and organizations interested or engaged in the field of community indicators and their application. CIC's website is a resource for individuals and organizations working to improve the use of indicators for better planning, decision-making and communities' quality of life.