Research Centers


Center for Social Research

The Center for Social Research (CSR) engages in interdisciplinary and collaborative social science research. Founded in 1982, the CSR is one of the centers for social science investigations housed in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the University of Arkansas.

Community and Family Institute

The Community and Family Institute conducts research in collaboration with community partners to promote a better understanding of community and family issues, with a focus on promoting social justice and equity in a diverse and multiethnic world. With a specific focus on but not limited to Northwest Arkansas, CFI also engages in research relevant to all of Arkansas, national, and global issues.


Terrorism Research Center

The Terrorism Research Center in Fulbright College (TRC) was created in 2003 to facilitate research on terrorism, extremist violence, and the effectiveness of intervention strategies. The TRC’s research is directed toward improving the ability of governmental agencies to both predict and respond to terrorism-related events. Visit the TRC’s website.