Braden Klassen, author for “The Runner” magazine, believes that learning a new language can be empowering.

Throughout his article, “SAY ‘OUI’ TO BILINGUALISM,” the author explains the advantages of being bilingual. One of the most interesting benefits noted by the author is being able to communicate with other people around the world. Bilingualism breaks down communication boundaries and can create a world that is unknown to monolinguals.


Knowing more than one language makes you more of an asset to employers, and gives you the tools to negotiate and collaborate with other people from around the world.

Klassen said being bilingual also has its 'social' perks. According to the author, by talking with his francophone friends from Quebec, he has had plenty of opportunities to learn more about the wonderful, seemingly endless supply of French-Canadian profanities that exist.

Being able to curse loudly in public without having to face any significantly negative consequences might arguably be one of the absolute best aspects of language acquisition there is.

Along with a number of advantages, being bilingual may increase your chances of pursuing your dream career. Bring something different to the ‘table’ by learning a second language