Fulbright Study Abroad

J.W. & Elizabeth W. Fulbright Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad

Supports a year of study abroad for undergraduate students of the humanities and classics.


  • interest (but not necessarily a major) in one of the following fields: literature, history (including theatre, art, and music history), jurisprudence, philosophy, archaeology, comparative languages, and those aspects of the social sciences that employ philosophical or historical approaches
  • currently enrolled as an undergraduate in Fulbright College
  • at least a sophomore at the time of application
  • applied for one or more approved study abroad programs in a desired country

The Office of Study Abroad will assist with this process. The proposed program of study should also include a proposal for research on a topic related to the humanities or classics.

APPLY   by February 1.

Contact Carl Riley if you have questions about the application or scholarship process.

Carl Riley
Associate Director of Scholarships
Fulbright College of Arts & Sciences
Phone: 479-575-5219
Email: criley@uark.edu