Sample Submission Instructions

Where do I submit the sample?
Chemistry Building 027 (CHEM 027) or Poultry Science 105 (POSC 105)

Who do I contact about sample preparation?
Rohana Liyanage, lab (479) 575-3985
Jack Lay, office (479) 575-2080
Jennifer Gidden, (479) 575-6962

How much sample should I submit?
You should submit at least 0.5 ml of the sample with a minimum concentration of 100 mM. (for solid samples 150 pM or 0.1 ug)

What are the other requirements the sample should meet?
1. For MALDI-TOF analysis, the sample should be non-volatile.
2. For ESI-MS analysis, sample should be soluble in polar solvents.
3. For both MALDI and ESI, inorganic buffers and other impurities should be minimized or eliminated.

Other instructions may be found on the sample submission form which may be downloaded and printed from this site. The samples should not be radioactive, unusually toxic or require a biohazard facility for analysis.

What type of solvent shall I use for the sample preparation?
The solvent used for dissolution should be volatile. If the sample is a pure stable solid, please provide information regarding its solubility. For either solids or solutions buffers and electrolytes should be minimal or absent.

How much time will it take for analysis of the sample?
Our goal is to complete requested analysis within two working days. The actual time will be determined by the laboratory work load and the type of analysis requested.

How much will it cost for analysis of a sample?
To check the cost structure to use this facility click here.

Do I have to submit any other material with the sample?
Yes, you will have to submit the analysis request form which is available on-line or you can download it and send it with the sample. Also with this form please submit any additional information on a separate sheet of paper such as the suspected molecular structure and any mass spectrometry data. Sample history (isolation, purification, synthesis) and information regarding the objective of the measurement and the overall experiment is often very helpful in designing the MS measurement and understanding signals from unexpected impurities.

Can I cancel the request for analysis after submission of the sample?
Cancellation of a request for analysis depends on the status of the sample at the time of the request. If analysis has not begun, the analysis can be cancelled. If any work has been done, you will be billed for that and further work will be cancelled. Contact Rohana Liyanage for sample status.

Which method shall I use for my sample analysis?
The choice of analytical MS methods will be made by the facility staff based on the information provided about the nature of the sample, the information needed and the type of sample to be analyzed. Submitters may also indicate a preference or request a specific type of analysis.