Start Your Journey
Apply for a Passport
You must have a current passport that will be valid from the time of departure until six months after your program ends. Processing time for new and renewed passports can take three to four months. Click here for information on applying for a passport. Remember that some countries require visas, and you will not be able to apply for the visa until you have your passport so it is important to plan ahead.
Attend a Hogs Abroad 101 Info Session
Learn the study abroad basics – program types, locations, housing options, scholarships, etc. – through these peer-led info sessions. These take place weekly from 4:00pm-5:00pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the J.B. Hunt Foreign Language Lab (JBHT 207).
Review your degree requirements
Know the courses you must take to complete your degree. This will help you choose which program type and time period is best for you.
Narrow Down your Study Abroad Programs
Use our online search to find a study abroad program. Feeling a little overwhelmed? Move down to step 5. :-)
Meet with a Study Abroad Advisor.
To setup an appointment, call the Office of Study Abroad & International Exchange at (479) 575-7582.
Research Financing Options
There are many ways to fund your study abroad, including scholarships and aid that you already have. Explore our financing information to get more information about all these opportunities.
Select your courses
Decide on what classes you want to try and take abroad. Pick double what you will actually enroll in so you are covered. Once you have your classes selected you must either see if someone else has taken the course and transferred it back to us, or get it approved yourself by meeting with the chair of the department that class would likely fall under. For example if it sounds like a history course you will need to meet with the chair of history, English then English, Art History… you get the gist!
Meet with your Academic Advisor
Once all the classes have been approved you will meet with your academic adviser to make sure that what you selected would be beneficial for your degree and have them sign the pre approval form.