College-wide Study Abroad Grants
College-wide Study Abroad Grants
- Sturgis Study Abroad
- J.W. & Elizabeth W. Fulbright Endowed Scholarship for Study Abroad
- Elizabeth and J. William Fulbright Study Abroad Scholarship for the Classics and Humanities—Deadline February 1.
- The Dr. Hoyt S. and Jane Purvis award in International Relations—Deadline February 15.
Creating meaningful international experiences for students is a top priority for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences. The following are excerpts from letters of appreciation, written by students who received study abroad scholarships.
I am a French major and I will be studying abroad this summer in Besançon, France. I have been studying the language for almost fifteen years and have never been able to visit France. This is an amazing opportunity I will get to experience because of your generosity and kindness.
This summer I will be studying abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This will be my first time in a Spanish-speaking country, and I am exceedingly excited to experience Buenos Aires. Thank you so much for helping me make this study abroad trip a reality. It means so much to me that someone has faith enough in my abilities and future to assist me financially in studying abroad.
I want to embrace the unique culture of Chile by volunteering to help at risk youth with their English homework. Because of your help, I will be able to experience this beautiful country to the fullest. It will be fun to learn from their culture and to promote a positive image of America.
I am a biology and German double major with a pre-medical emphasis. I am currently a senior carrying 16 hours of coursework along with a 2-year research study. After graduation I plan to attend medical school and pursue a career as a general practitioner. By awarding me this scholarship, you have lightened my financial burden and allowed me to focus on the most important part of my education, which is learning. Thank you very much for making this possible!
During my time in Costa Rica, I have an internship at El Museo De Cultura Popular where I will take photos of events, talk to visitors, make videos to promote the museum and update the museum’s social media sites. I want to thank you for your generous donation. With your support, students can achieve innumerable things.
Thank you for your sponsorship of the Art in Rome Award. I have almost always had to work full-time during the summer and part-time during the school year to help pay my own way through school, but because of this scholarship award, I think I will finally be able to participate in a special study abroad program in Rome this summer! Thanks again for helping to make my dreams come true.
I help my parents at home with raising three of my nephews and my niece. Usually I have to juggle between studying and helping. And to imagine studying German in its homeland for seven weeks this summer was really just a dream. However, with your aid I am one step closer to seeing that dream come true.
This experience will open my eyes to a new worldview.

Scholarships help students of all disciplines enrich their educational experiences. These gifts offset costs of tuition, materials, equipment, travel or other aspects of students’ scholastic goals.
First Row: Group photo from the pre-departure orientation, Second Row: Art lecture class at Ara Pacis in Rome (left); Students in Rome (right), Third Row: Journalism student Lisa Pruniski bungee jumping in Switzerland, Fourth Row: Students picnic at the base of the Eiffel Tower (left); Students overlooking Monteverde in the northern Costa Rica (right), Fifth Row: Students and professor with the African and African American studies program off the West Coast of Africa