Activate your UARK account and create a password to access email, wireless, Blackboard
Learn, and other university online services.
Access the University’s Exchange server at for integrated email,
calendar, and Lync messaging.
Download free antivirus software for on- or off-campus computers.
Set up mobile devices or laptop to access UA Secure, the University’s secure wireless
service, with your UARK username and password. UA Wireless is also available for campus
guests and offers limited Internet access.
Learn about sending files too large for email attachments, using the computer labs,
and staying safe by avoiding phishing and other online scams.
The Faculty Technology Center staff can help launch a project using technology, provide
students with online course materials, or identify ways to engage students using technology.
Blackboard Learn, the University’s learning management system, allows students and
faculty to participate in online classes or access online materials and activities
to complement face-to-face classroom