Meet the Ambassadors


Jaya Nair

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Major: Arabic + Middle East Studies

Minor: Chinese + Asian Studies

Additional Organizations: Diversity and Inclusion Student Council (DISC), WLLC DEI Committee.

Hometown: St. Petersburg, FL

Fun Fact: I have two cats named Q and Ten-C. Their names are from Star Trek!

Thoughts on Belonging: To me, belonging is being in a space where you are welcomed and valued as you are in that moment. Not having to change or “fit in” and being respected as a human being no matter how different you are or your background. Through belonging, others take the time to get to know you so that they understand things that are important to you and doing the same for them to create a welcoming community.

Inclusive Excellence

Reina Watanabe

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Major: Spanish + Environmental Science

Additional Organizations: Japanese Student Association, DIYA (RSO), Women’s Ultimate Frisbee, Sigma Alpha

Fun Fact About Myself: I am studying abroad in Uruguay next spring.

Thoughts on Belonging: Feeling a sense of belonging is so important for student growth and development in the College of Arts and Sciences. This belonging is achieved through our commitment to initiatives and celebrating our identities as a diverse community.

Inclusive Excellence

Sophia Pan

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Major: Graphic Design

Minor: Art History

Additional Organizations: Chinese Students and Scholars Association & Chinese Culture Language Club

Fun Fact About Myself: I really love traveling.

Thoughts on Belonging: When I think about the word “belonging,” it means to be where you feel most comfortable and where you can completely be yourself. Belonging is having a relationship with others and being able to see each others' point of view and accepting each others' differences - a place where we can engage with others to bring in better ideas to improve our community, by producing solution with each other



Gabby Norris

Major: Criminology + Sociology

Minor: Political Science

Additional Organizations: Fulbright Student Ambassador, 360 Program Peer Mentor, ASG DEI Committee Board. 

Hometown: Little Rock, AR

Fun Fact: I used to dance competitively from the ages 12- 19 years old.

Thoughts on Belonging: I define belonging as having supportive relationships, feeling included, and a sense of community. I find belonging in various settings, including families, friendships, communities of a particular culture or ethnicity, professional settings, or online communities. Feeling secure, accepted, and free to express oneself honestly without worrying about criticism are all aspects of belonging. It helps one feel secure, connected and has a source of emotional support.


Yodalys Aguilar Quiros

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Major: Psychology

Minor: Medical Humanities and Biology

Additional Organizations: Viva Panama Dancing Group

Hometown: I am from Riogrande, a small town in Panama, and I am the first in my family to study abroad.

Fun Fact About Myself: I go by Yoda like Star Wars.

Hobbies: I really enjoy getting to know different cultures and picking up phrases from their languages.

Thoughts on Belonging: A place where you feel at home, a place where you are not afraid of discrimination, a place where you feel free to express yourself, and a place where your words hold value is a place of belonging..


Kaytlin Dwyer

Pronouns: she / her

Major: Anthropology

Minors: Indigenous Studies and Communication

Additional Organizations: Honors College

Thoughts on Belonging: Belonging is feeling welcomed and a part of the environment. There are three keys to this: awareness of our culture and identity, sharing our diverse experiences with others, and being willing to listen and learn from others. Through these actions, we create an empowering environment where all feel welcome. As a young girl, I often felt like an outsider in my community. I want to ensure everyone feels welcome and represented.



Caleb Jones

Pronouns: he / him / his

Major: Biology

Minor: Psychology Additional

Organizations: Pre-Med Hogs, NAACP

Fun Fact About Myself: I love the sport tennis, and I enjoy riding horses.

Thoughts on Belonging: Belonging means being in a space without intentional discriminatory conduct taking place. Belonging to me means being valid before you even step into a room, for being authentically you. Belonging is not an epiphany but something that is instilled in a person's foundational core. That is what belonging means to me.

Inclusive Excellence

Camie Harding

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Major: Public Relations & Advertising

Minor: Psychology

Organizations: Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Phi Omega, Diversity and Inclusion Student Council

Fun Fact About Myself:  I have a cat named Sookie and I am training for a marathon!

Thoughts on Belonging: Belonging to me is about having a community that accepts who you are, celebrates your successes with you, and encourages you to take up space.


Wisdom Harlan

Pronouns: she / her

Major: Broadcast Journalism & ADPR

Minor: Marketing Additional

Organizations: Member of SPJ and Volunteer at UATV

Thoughts on Belonging: Belonging doesn't necessarily have to do with how many similarities you have to the people around you. Instead, to me it’s more about respecting people around you. To me belonging is always hearing everyone out on their opinions even if they differ from yours. And always giving everyone a spot at the table to come together and successfully collaborate.



Jessica Soto

Pronouns: she / her / hers

Major: International and Global Studies

Minor: French

Additional Organizations: Honors Path Program, DIYA

Fun Fact About Myself: A fun fact about me is that I really like learning languages. My interest comes from wanting to be able to connect and understand others better.

Thoughts on Belonging: (Belonging) means having a place where people can feel comfortable to speak and act how they want. It means creating an environment where people can be as creative as they want to be. (Belonging) is about creating connections.


William Lambley

Pronouns:  he/ him / his

Major: Communication

Hometown: Owosso, OK

Additional Organizations: Member of the Baptist Collegiate Ministry, Lead Team

Fun Fact About Myself: I've been a motivational speaking ever since I lost my eye sight at 16 years old.

Thoughts on Belonging: Some ways we could help with inclusion is by making an effort to include all people.